Title: Part 2 - Demand
starfireficFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen, Jack
Word Count: ~2,000ish
Genre: Kink, pure and simple (oh, alright, there may be some character stuff in there too)
Rating: Definite NC-17
Beta: The incomparable
riftugee (without whom there'd be a lot more monologue, and a lot less Jacktion)
Author's Notes:Written as the second part of
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Comments 45
Yeah, there's possibly another part planned, *if* I can get my damned Comms Management assignment done, and *if* the muse doesn't decide to desert me.
I'm kind of at a nerve-wracking point with this now, because thus far, I've been able to avoid getting graphic (physically) with any of the description. If Part 3 happens, I think it's going to need to go places I haven't been before with my writing, so yeah... nerves are definitely there.
But if I can write it, I promise I will.
Thanks for the feedback!
And yeah, okay, got to admit that I'm dying to see where you go with this!
I had some thoughts yesterday about where the next piece might go from here, and I've actually managed to get some study done this weekend, so who knows... Part 3 might yet end up happening.
::mimics Owen's stance on knees and begs you for more::
There may indeed be more (see comment above) - muse-and-assignment-allowing!
I suspect I'm going to have to go off an read a whole load of well-written kinkpr0n before I try to write it though... from this point on, it takes my writing into *entirely* uncharted waters....
So yeah - it was fun putting the two of them together.
As for the next bit... I promise, if the muse allows (and I don't get scared off by having to go into entirely new territories with my writing) , I'll try to make it happen.
Thanks again for the feedback!
Owen/Jack like this is a really good dynamic and entirely plausible. :)
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