Title: Part 2 - Demand
starfireficFandom: Torchwood
Characters: Owen, Jack
Word Count: ~2,000ish
Genre: Kink, pure and simple (oh, alright, there may be some character stuff in there too)
Rating: Definite NC-17
Beta: The incomparable
riftugee (without whom there'd be a lot more monologue, and a lot less Jacktion)
Author's Notes:Written as the second part of
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Comments 45
Yeah... the whole Jack/Owen thing strikes people in different ways. For some it just doesn't work as a concept for any number of reasons. Alas, for me, levels of Teh HAWT are inversely proportional to levels of tension: and since Jack and Owen seem to have the most tension per interaction of pretty much any characters on the show (well, they seem that way to me, anyway ;-)... yeah, they just kinda strike me as hot.
Heh... and it's always more of a compliment to get positive feedback from someone who wouldn't have ordinarily gone for the pairing you've written, so thank you for the feedback!
Glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for commenting. See comment to dwolf34 above about the next part... I promise to try!
I love this, it could have been taken in so many (not as good) ways and would have lost a lot of realism for me. But the use of the pendant from Greek's Bearing Gifts was awesome.
I also join the line labelled 'Part 3!'
We batted ideas back and forth before I settled on the idea of Owen having had to have debriefed the villagers afterwards... and then the pendant just kinda jumped out at me as an already-validated-in-canon way of allowing Jack to take liberties with Owen's mental processes. I'm glad it worked!
Thanks again for the kind words, and I promise I'll at least *try* to attempt a Part 3
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