List Of Fen Who Have Retired From Stargate Fandom

May 24, 2010 15:00

Retired Fen

The following is a list of fen (authors, artists, vidders, etc) who have
a) retired from fandom
b) removed their work from the internet
c) made a statement regarding their work being shared by fans
d) any or all of the above

If you know of anyone that belongs on this list, please leave a comment (with links to the relevant statement, if possible) and the list will be updated. We ask that people in this community respect the wishes of retired fen.

The following people have removed their work from the internet and do not mind if fans share their work amongst themselves:

* blue_underwing - removed Reversals from the internet, has stated that fans are welcome to share the file

* cedelede - removed their stories from the internet, has stated that fans are welcome to share them

* jane-elliot - removed Push/Pull from the internet, has stated that fans are welcome to share the file

The following people have retired from fandom and their work can still be accessed:

* eliade - stories remain accessible here

* gaiaanarchy - stories remain accessible here

* Karen McFadyyon - stories remain accessible here

* porntestpilot (formerly glitterandlube) - statement provided here, some stories remain accessible via AO3

* sardonicsmiley - stories remain accessible here

The following people have retired from fandom, removed their work from the internet and do not mind if fans share their work amongst themselves:

* 30toseoul - "I won't be posting them anywhere else (no personal webpage, no AO3) so it's fine if fans share their own saved copies." The author asks that, until November 2011, fans not share copies of her stories with requesters who appear (from their profile or otherwise) new to LJ or who are not previously known to the person who's willing to share the stories.

* notmonkey (Anais) - some stories remain accessible via Internet Archive

* rivier - statement provided here

The following people have retired from fandom, removed their work from the internet and do not wish for fans to share their work amongst themselves:

* Pepe

!administration!, #category: authors, #category: artists

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