I've been taking a massive trip down memory lane for the past few hours, mostly reading old blogs and whatnot, from eighth grade until now. It's just insanely weird to see how drastically things can change over the course of a few years. Some people meant the world to me then and now we don't even speak. I'm incredibly thankful for so much of what
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i need some inspiration. i never know what to write anymore but i figure the only way to get better at writing is to keep doing it. i never really got feedback from journalism but i always liked writing anyway
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"It wasn't really hard to catch people in their own lies. Hell, it was rather easy. See the thing about gossipers are they love to talk. Absolutely adore it. They talk so much in fact that they often forget who they tell what to or who may be listening. That, and they love talking about each other. Best friends means you pull the Trigger.
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"being a positive person isnt about ignoring the hurt and the ugly and sweeping the memories under the rug and distracting yourself with hollow goals. it not only about confronting them but running up to them full speed and smashing their teeth out for the nights they kept you awake. its about you overtaking them. its about dismantling the damage
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Happiness is an emotional or affective state that is characterized by feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction. As a state and a subject, it has been pursued and commented on extensively throughout world history. This reflects the universal importance that humans place on happiness.
Happiness is often associated with the presence of favorable
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