I just wanted to say, Please God and Goddess, keep him safe on his journey. I already miss him terribly. He's going to Vegas for 10 days. I already wish he was back, but I know he's gonna have so much fun. Just please bring him back safe, and help me with moving and everything go well. Amen...? <3 Roxie
So here I am, sitting here quietly. I feel like shit. Cramps suck my ass like no other. :( If you are a guy, you can go screw yourself. You suck and you have no idea what its like. So fuckoff. Ya Hear my brahs
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Hey all, Does any one know how to do a cut for pix? HELP! I need to know. Or I'll just post one pic. I'll do that I guess. Today has been rough. I got a veggie sandwhich today. Then purged. didnt eat anything after that. Dance class tonight! Its jazz tonight! Here's 2 pics of me.