When someone likes you but they won't be with you cuz yr too goddamn far away from each other. So since you're not together, you can't scare the skanks away from his Facebook or demand that he keep you company on Halloween when yr best friends own sexcapades ruin yr original plans.
So I was gonna be super considerate & nice & shit and not flirt with boys tonight or let them touch me or anything (assuming that that even came up) but now since yr mad at me & being a custy hyper-sensitive lil PRICK, I'm gonna be a super-skank.
Yeah. I said it. SUPER-SKANK.
It's like Superman n shit except you only wear the panties. WUT.
why is it that random boys like me to the point of doing ridiculous out-of-the-way things for me but not the one i still want (mostly out boredom & the fact that i'm better then the twat he's with instead)?
i need to get my ass in action and start going to concerts again. i'm lacking my dose of sweaty, dirty tattooed boys screaming and/or spitting in my fucking face.