Here are all the prompts, ready for claiming. Any fic or other fanwork is welcome; minimum word count for fics is 100 words. Each prompt may be claimed by up to two different people. To claim a prompt, leave a comment on this post with the date and prompt. You may claim as many as you think you can write/illustrate/vid/etc in the time available. You do not need a livejournal of your own; just let me know. REMEMBER: incest and underage sex are not allowed.
Prompts for ClaimingJuly 1
- PT, Anakin and Obi-Wan: one of the first eight (or nine) times Anakin saved Obi-Wan's life - Are we keeping count, then?
seal_girl- PT, Shmi Skywalker: Shmi realizes that she's pregnant--Magic.
senatorsfan_ink- PT: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme; "The most difficult thing that you can do is to watch the person you love, love someone else." No Obidala.
tabru- PT: Mace Windu/Qui-Gon Jinn: first date: "when I look at you, I see ... "
- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi: Had too much to drink--It's a hell of a long way home.
- OT, Leia: How Leia became a rebel - this is my life. No Darth Vader.
- OT - Han, Luke - Picking up the pieces of a shattered friendship.
- OT, Leia/Han: a princess and a guy like me--let's be realistic, here.
- EU, Wedge Antilles, Fel family, Jaina Solo: Wedge meets his sister and her family.
- EU, around NJO: Cem and Jagged Fel; family -- "Jag, you're no fun."
- EU; DarkSideFemale!Revan/Canderous Ordo; Gen/Het/Dom; Battle Scars - Only the strongest survive.
- EU, Shado Vai/Cade Skywalker. Slash. Old friends - ship repairs.
July 2
- PT, Boba Fett: Encountering an exiled Clone Trooper on an Outer Rim planet, who reminds him too much of his own father.
- PT, Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan's childhood at the Temple--Too sure of himself.
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; Jedi training--the games we play.
tabru- PT. Shmi/Cliegg: First time for Shmi with actual (non-Force) person, in a barn would be nice.
- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin's first time - this is not how it's supposed to happen.
- OT, Mon Mothma and Leia: Leia's relationship with Han stirs long-buried memories in Mon Mothma about Padme -- those who do not understand the past are doomed to repeat it.
- OT: Darth Vader; Thoughts on Anakin Skywalker--"Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied."
- PT/OT/EU: Luke Skywalker and Mace Windu: How DID Luke learn the Shatterpoint Technique?: "It's easy if you know how."
- OT, Leia/Han: Don't ever do that again.
- EU, Wedge Antilles & Jaina Solo: Time travel - "She's a Solo, all right."
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): on the job training: "I love a challenge"
- EU; Iella Wessiri/Corran Horn; Angst/Het; Role Reversal - Good cop, bad cop.
sotto_voice- EU: Jaina Solo & Tenel Ka: The goddess and the queen meet and make plans.
July 3
- PT, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin's youth - want you to love me. NO EU.
tabru- PT, Padme, between Phantom Menace and Clone Wars - how does one stop being a Queen? "Oh letting go, there's room enough to fly."
- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Padme Amidala: Het--Just another good vibration.
- PT, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan: Want is not enough to break a Jedi's will.
- OT, Leia: One of her early experiences as a Rebel agent in the Imperial Senate - your good intentions won't stop innocent people from getting hurt
- OT, Darth Vader and the Emperor: You belong to me--Fire.
- OT, Leia Organa/Wedge Antilles: bonding over the antics of Han and Luke - a good dose of sanity
- EU: Travel to an alternate universe in which the Vong are not yet defeated, and two of the best defences against them - the Solo twins - are dead -- You're our only hope.
- EU, post-Swarm War: Jagged Fel - what happened to him on Tenupe (during or after)
- EU, Post AU ROTS, Obi-Wan/Siri, they had never broken their relationship. Now, 20 years later, it is time to reveal it--"Anakin, there is something I need to tell you."
- EU, Mara/Luke: A case of mistaken identity.
- EU, Leia/Mara: Jedi!Leia AU, during the Thrawn Trilogy - in a mirror, darkly.
July 4
- PT, Obi-Wan: A barfight - no need for a lightsaber.
seal_girl- PT, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Jedi Council: Anakin the Misunderstood--Change everything you are.
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; First meal together--"What's that?" "It's called food." No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.
- PT, Anakin/Padme: genderswap--it's certainly not what I expected.
- PT: Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan: Getting into a Barfight: "I have a bad feeling about this ... "
- OT, Boba Fett: action/adventures in bounty hunting. Fun and profit
- OT: Darth Vader; Thoughts on Obi-Wan Kenobi--"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
- OT: Obi-Wan/Anakin; While on Tatooine Obi-Wan repents for his mistakes--"You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back." No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.
- EU, Qui-Gon and Xanatos: master/padawn adventure -- and then things got really exciting.
- EU: During Rebel Stand, Jaina, Jag and Kyp suddenly find themselves thrust back in time, to when the Rogues, Wraiths and Han Solo were involved in the fight against Zsinj.
- EU; Ben Skywalker/Kiara; Gen/Het; Orphaned by the Force - Ben adopts Kiara as his pupil.
- EU. Obi-Wan/Xanatos - Obi-Wan redeems Xanatos. Living on the blade's edge.
July 5
- PT, Adi Gallia, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker - An adventure before or after the war, can be gen or Adi/Obi-Wan or Anakin/Obi-Wan on the side - the amazing tales of....
- PT, Dormé: "There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." (Edith Wharton)
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; "Master, I married Padme and she's pregnant"--consequences. No Darth Vader
- PT, Dooku/Obi-Wan: Dooku has always wanted to meet his padawan's padawan - we have a lot in common.
- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Palpatine: Slash--Shit happens.
- OT, Leia and Chewbacca: Chewie snaps and tells Leia just what he thinks of her "walking carpet" and "just as soon kiss a Wookiee" comments -- put your money where your mouth is.
- OT during RotJ, AU - Han, Luke - When Luke shows up to rescue Han from Jabba's palace, Han knows he's Vader's son.
- OT, Han/Leia: fighting the remnants of the Empire after Endor - life in the fast lane
- EU, Wraiths: posing as somebody's servants. Bonus points for that somebody being female--never thought I'd miss our dress uniforms.
- EU, post-Invincible metafiction (fiction about fiction): any character involved hosts debriefing/roast of series--dark humor welcome, free-for-all on character/plot potshots so long as not overtly offensive to others.
- EU, KOTOR, Visas Marr and any: Just what are you hiding under those robes? Het or Gen only.
- EU; Mirax Terrik/Iella Wessiri; Angst/Fem; Strategic Betrayal - Mirax uses Iella to eliminate a competing smuggling group.
July 6
- PT, Padme: Padme lives to raise her children and lead the rebellion--Let Freedom Ring!
- PT: Anakin, Obi-Wan, and R2-D2; During the Clone Wars Obi-Wan gets zapped by Artoo--"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else."
- PT, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker; Obi-Wan finally works up the nerve to tell his former padawan he has feelings for him but discovers Anakin loves another ; "You were out all night again..."; no making Padme into a bitch.
- PT, Padmé Amidala/Dormé: Love in a dangerous time. No character death.
- OT, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan raises Luke - second chances.
- OT: Han Solo and Chewbacca: Getting into a Barfight: "Maybe we can talk our way out of this ... "
- OT, Leia/Lando: tracking down Boba Fett--you truly belong here with us among the stars.
- PT & EU, Jaina Solo and any other characters: time travel to the NJO time period - shock.
- EU, Thrawn, Parck, Nirez, a mission that goes horribly wrong that involves a sacrifice (like the Aztec, not incense type). No slash.
ladyravena- EU; Talon Karrde/Mara Jade; Sensitivity issues - Mara feels isolated from civilization on Myrkr and naked without the Force.
- OT: Han Solo/Lando Calrissian - slash. Han loses a bet.
July 7
- PT, Aayla Secura: Undercover mission.
- PT/OT/EU: Boba Fett - in my father's image. Boba has to know he's a clone; how did he find out, and how does he feel about it?
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; Other times that Anakin has jumped mid-air from his speeder--"Tell me Anakin, was that really necessary?"
- PT, Obi-Wan/Sabe: Seeing each other years after the TPM - Suppression of feelings
- PT, Amidala/Sabé - femmeslash - ambition & servitude.
- OT, Leia Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan takes Leia to Tatooine, not Luke - daddy's girl. NO EU.
- OT post ESB - Luke, Lando - Getting to know each other.
- OT, Leia, Luke, Lando, Chewie and the droids: pre-ROTJ, making plans - negotiations.
- EU, Leia/Winter: Winter remembers everything about Leia. Everything.
- EU; DarkSideFemale!Revan and Canderous Ordo; Tension builds during a particularly gruesome battle - Blood lust.
- EU, around NJO (could be before, during or after): Cem Fel & his life as a shadow child -- "I didn't ask for this life."
- EU, Post AU ROTS, Obi-Wan/Siri, they finally get together--"I never imagined it could like this."
- EU, Darth Caedus and Anakin Solo lookalike; Caedus knows it's not him, but sometimes it's tempting to pretend otherwise; "Where did you find that?"; nothing too graphic.
July 8
- PT, Yoda and Padme Amidala - warm feelings
- PT, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin's adolescence--He is the Chosen One.
- PT, Het, any of the Jedi Knights or Masters: Sex education. No chan.
- PT, Mace/Obi-Wan/Anakin: darkfic. Mace is using his Council authority to intimidate Obi-Wan into a relationship - it took you long enough to notice.
- OT Leia, her mother: a day together - "She died when I was very young."
senatorsfan_ink- OT, Leia Organa and Jabba the Hutt: Leia strangles Jabba--Necessary Evils.
- OT: Palpatine; Learning about the destruction of the Death Star--"I have good news, and I have bad news."
- OT, Mon Mothma/anyone: for the greater good. Not a PWP
- EU: Wrenga Jixton - gen. How Jix managed to go from a Sergeant in the Imperial Navy to being sentenced to life on Kessel.
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): One against an army: No Fear
- PT/EU: Anakin, Obi-Wan, other Jedi; The other padawans never liked Anakin--children just want to fit in.
- EU, Jaina Solo/Wedge: Romance through time travel -consequences.
- EU, Leia/Mara: trapped in a cave/elevator/ship together - never been friends.
July 9
- PT, Owen: What he thought of Anakin, the one time they met -- family and blood.
- PT: Mace Windu: AU futurefic: battered but not broken.
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; Post-Knighting celebration--growing up.
- PT, Anakin/Padmé, Anakin/Obi-Wan, AU. Anakin is in a committed sexual relationship with Obi-Wan when he is reunited with Padmé. He falls in love with her and begins a sexual relationship with her -- what do we do now?
- OT, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker; Vader and Luke accidentally cross paths - "Where are you from?"
- OT: Leia Organa: Getting into a Barfight: "Nice Work."
- OT: Han, Chewbacca: Sure, it would be nice to destroy the Empire, but restoring the Old Republic that screwed them doesn't sound so great -- what can one man (and one Wookiee) do?
- OT, Leia/Lando: in Jabba's Palace - meetings in dark corners.
- OT - Han/Luke - Unrequited love with eventual happy ending - Maybe the reason I'm feeling this way has something to do with you.
- EU, KOTOR, The Exile/Atton Rand: How about a game of Pazaak?
- EU: Jagged Fel, officer in the Imperial forces, has custody of Jaina Solo - granddaughter [or daughter, or niece] of the Emperor, chosen heir to the throne, and Rebel leader.
carrole July 10
- PT EU, Aayla Secura/Kit Fisto: Caught!
- EU, Tenel Ka/(any) lady-in-waiting: Whatever the Hapan Queen Mother wants, she gets.
- PT: Mace Windu: missing scene: the choices we make
- PT: Yoda: Getting into a Barfight: "Judge me by my size, do you?"
- PT, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Hurt/Comfort--So important.
- PT, Padme/Anakin: dark fic - she knows something is wrong.
- PT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; Adventure during the Clone Wars--"I can't believe you talked me into this"
- OT, Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: A strange old hermit - a pocketful of sunshine.
- OT, Leia Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan adopts Leia--19 years of light.
senatorsfan_ink- OT, Han/Leia: hurt/comfort after Alderaan's destruction--all alone in the night.
were_lemur- EU, Tahiri Veila: Swimming lessons.
- EU, Dark!Leia, Jacen, Luke: Leia fights Jacen and kills him but turns to the Darkside in the process, taking over. Your faith is your weakness.
- EU; Iella Wessiri/Mara Jade; Gen; Motherhood - 10 Easy Steps to Raising your Own Spy.
- EU, Kee/Cade Skywalker. Het. Tough girls - not everyone hates Devaronians.
- EU; DarkSideMale!Revan/Carth Onasi; Verbal Abuse - Revan makes Carth forget his wife.
July 11
- PT, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: ordinary days at the Jedi Temple--a philosophy of life and beauty
- PT: Obi-Wan and Anakin: Getting into a Barfight: "Master, I thought you said that a Jedi should be at peace?": no O/A
- PT, Obi-Wan/Padme, pre-AotC: just a pleasant interlude - the one she can't have.
senatorsfan_ink- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi: Slash--This is all your fault.
- OT, AU, Leia is the twin who was sent to Tatooine, Luke to Alderaan. How does the story change or stay the same?
- OT, Darth Vader: Vaderkin angst--Nobody loves you when you're evil.
- OT AU, Luke/Mara: meeting in Jabba's palace--armies of light and dark
- OT, Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi: Afterlife reunion and catharsis - love after death. NO EU.
- EU, Corran Horn: wormhole timetravel to KOTOR era -- No, I'm not a Sith!
- EU, Thrawn, Chiss (any), the meeting between Thrawn and those Chiss still loyal to him, set before New Hope and after he's in the unknown region. No slash
- EU; LightSideFemale!Revan/Carth Onasi; Het; Aboard the Leviathan - Bastila says the wrong thing.
- EU: Leia/Mara: Mara gets together with the other twin--no time like the present.
July 12
- PT: Darth Maul: AU where Maul was a Jedi rather than a Sith. How did this change things?
- PT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; In the aftermath of a mission gone wrong, feelings get revealed--truths of the heart. No character death
- PT: Anakin Skywalker/Barriss Offee - Het. Attachment is forbidden, but no-one ever mentioned casual sex. Two bored teenage padawans decide to have some fun on Ansion.
- PT, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan: years in the desert on Tattooine - ghostly touch.
- OT, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Afterlife reunion and catharsis, gen version - absolution. No Anakin/Padme.
- OT, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa: Leia's wedding day--I'll always know you best.
- OT, Han/Leia: pre-battle jitters - I thought you said this thing was safe!
- OT post-ESB - Luke, Wedge gen or Luke/Wedge slash - "How could you just leave us?"
- EU, Darth Vader and the Secret Apprentice; the Secret Apprentice is jealous that Vader once had a child and a family; "Why couldn't he have been my father?"
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): Going rogue AU: "What do you mean I'm not the only one?"
- EU: Wes Janson: humour and unconvential romance.
July 13
- PT, Depa Billaba - A look at her pre-Haruun Kal days as either a Knight or Padawan. I have always been what I chose, though not always what I pleased.
- PT: Mace Windu: AU and/or deathfic: "there are many ways to fall"
- PT, Sabé: "She's the face and I'm the double." (Aimee Mann).
- PT, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Qui-Gon Jinn: Unrequitted love--Good enough.
- OT, Owen Lars: listening to news about the Empire--that's what I'm afraid of.
- OT: Lando Calrissian: Getting into a Barfight: So Uncivilized
- OT: Luke, Vader, others (Mara a plus): AU; what if Luke had accepted Vader's offer to rule at his side?: "too high a price"
- OT, Leia/Lando: between ESB and ROTJ, they have one thing in common - thermal detonator.
- PT & EU, Jaina Solo, Kyp Durron & others: Time travel - changing history. Not set during RotS.
- EU; Jan Ors/CorSec (Iella & Corran); Gen; Terrorism - A lesser evil.
- PT/EU: Ensemble Cast: AU; What if the Vong had invaded before or during the clone wars: "the enemy of my enemy."
- EU, Darman/Etain, fluff, "Today while the blossoms still cling to the vine/I'll taste your strawberries, I'll drink your sweet wine." No scat or golden showers.
- EU; DarkSideFemale!Revan/Carth Onasi; Dom/Non-Con; Mind Control -- Revan is tired of hearing Carth pine for the past.
July 14
- PT, Anakin Skywalker: AU, killed Palpatine after he killed Mace. There is no death, there is only the Force.
- PT: Dooku; Learning about Qui-Gon's death--family is deeper than blood. No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.
- PT, Dorme/Anakin: What if Dormé was at the Jedi Temple during Order 66… - from where I stand
- PT Obi-Wan/Mace Windu, A circumstance in which the two of them might reasonably have sex.
were_lemur- PT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; First kiss--colors.
- OT, General Madine: learning about the 2nd Death Star--fortune favors the bold
- OT, Leia: post-ANH, after all the excitement is over, Leia goes to medical - no one just walks away from an Imperial interrogation.
- OT, Vader, Leia: Leia talks with her (deceased) Father - "I think I understand." PG-13 or lower
- OT AU, Han/Leia: Alderaan wasn't destroyed--a princess and a guy like me.
- EU, Ben Skywalker and Anakin Solo; Ben doesn't realize who his new friend really is and can't understand why he's so elusive; "I want you to meet my family..."
- EU, ensemble Republic Commandoes, barfight, "Go on, I dare you!"
- EU, Legacy of the Force: Kyp Durron & "the lady who likes [his] hair long"; romance, intrigue, should probably keep it clean. I just want somebody to delve further into this mystery.
- EU: Vader/Jix - slash. If his 'services' occasionally go a little beyond what was strictly agreed upon, well, that's nobody's business but his… no Scat, golden showers, non-con.
July 15
- PT, Obi-Wan: His breakdown behind the door to a storage compartment on Padme's ship prior to his battle with Anakin on Mustafar.
senatorsfan_ink jedi_em.
- PT: Shmi Skywalker; Anakin's birth--miracles. No Darth Plagueis.
- PT, Grievous/Dooku: what they were doing on the Invisible Hand while waiting for team Kenobi/Skywalker. Not Ani/Obi centric.
- OT, Leia Organa: being a secret Rebel agent requires a lot of lying -- for the greater good/no time for our sorrow.
- OT, Luke, Leia, Padme, and Anakin Skywalker: Anakin never turned--Dream on
- OT: Darth Vader and Obi-Wan; Visit from a Force ghost--"Why were you never there the times I actually needed you" No Qui-Gon.
- OT, Vader/Dormé: Vader uses Dormé as a substitute for Padmé (no non-con).
- OT - Han/Luke, any OT characters you'd like - In space, everyone can hear you scream... through intership communicators.
- EU, Leia, Vader, Bail Organa, Hal Horn -- Vader finds out Leia's strong in the Force, Bail Organa sends a team in to rescue her - you must know who you are.
- EU; Jan Ors and Mirax Terrik; Lightsaber Burns - Comparing notes on Jedi boyfriends.
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): AU, meeting Luke while the Emperor still lived: "Don't make me kill you (please)."
- EU, Jaina Solo & male of your choice: forced or arranged marriage. Both characters must be forced into it.
July 16
- PT, Anakin and Obi-Wan: Time travel -- hero worship
- PT: Jango Fett and Zam Wessell: Getting into a Barfight: "With a friend like you ... "
- PT, Obi-Wan/Sabe: escape - How long have I been in this storm?
- PT, Anakin/Obi-Wan: Anakin missing Padme and repressed sexual tension/too close quarters--One thing leads to another.
- OT, Luke and Leia: the twins visit Naboo in search of their mother's heritage and discover a little something about their father as well--What you never expected
- OT, Darth Vader and Leia Organa: First meeting--I'm not afraid of you.
- OT, Darth Vader/Padme: living in the past--I see dead people.
- OT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; Post-ROTJ reunion--"I was waiting for you." No Qui-Gon, no Padme.
- EU, the Rogues: Girls vs. boys, but somehow Wes is the only loser.
- EU, Mirta Gev, backstory, "a girl alone/all on her own/must try to have/a heart of stone"
- EU; Talon Karrde/Mara Jade; Neutron Pixies - 'There's no shame in my game of denial.'
- EU, Goran Beviin/Medrit Vasur, last night together before the invasion, "We may not have another tomorrow", no scat or golden showers
July 17
- PT, Anakin and Obi-wan: their first real mission - a day in the life.
- PT: Mace Windu: (possibly & either Depa Bilaba or Qui-Gon Jinn): barfight: "this has all been a terrible misunderstaning" (no Mace/Depa).
- PT: Anakin/Padme; He was a former slave from Tatooine, she was an aristocrat from Naboo--culture clash.
- PT, Sabé/Dormé: Finding each other after Amidala's death. Angst, shower sex, and the rebellion are all good.
- OT, Chewie: on the run from Imperial slavers.
- OT - Luke, Leia - Words can hurt more than vibroblades; words are Leia's best weapons.
- OT, Leia/Lando: sharing stories--someone must have told them about my little maneuver.
- EU, Xanatos, A story from his time as Qui-Gon's padawan
- EU; Mirax Terrik, Booster Terrik; Gen/Humor; Errant Venture - "Just what I always wanted."
- EU, Mara/Luke: The honeymoon - this wasn't what I had in mind.
- EU: Kit Fisto & Aayla Secura - hurt/comfort, dark as you like. Bonus points if it's Kit getting in over his tentacled head and Aayla has to rescue him, and/or patch him up afterwards. Remember, comfort sex is nice, but Magical Healing Sex is cheating!
- EU; Female!Revan/Juhani; Fem; The Grove - Sacred places.
July 18
- PT, Anakin: AU, Anakin doesn't turn to the Dark Side but the Purge still happens - many thousands gone.
- Padme: a parade alone can't fix Naboo/Gungan relations, so how did Jar Jar end up as Representative of Naboo? -- a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
- PT: Shmi/Cliegg: farm life--our story. No explicit sex.
- PT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; The Jedi Council gets suspicious--choices.
- OT, Darth Vader and Firmus Piett; Vader and Piett held captive together, Piett starts realizing who Vader once was; "I saw a Jedi once..", no slash.
immortal_jedi- OT: Luke Skywalker: Getting into a Barfight: "These are not the _______ you're looking for."
- OT post-Endor - Luke, Han/Leia - Luke needs comfort, but three is a crowd.
- OT, Luke Skywalker/Han Solo: Han doesn't know what he wants--Frustration.
- EU, Gen, the Solo kids: The Millennium Falcon, Dad's gonna kill us...
batgirl_forever- EU; Iella Wessiri/Diric Wessiri/Wedge Antilles; Angst/Het/AU; Iella is the sleeper agent, Diric shoots her instead. Wedge's reaction.
- EU; LightSideFemale!Revan/Canderous Ordo; Canderous encourages/forces her to reclaim her mask and title - Accidental Murder.
- EU. Obi-Wan/Xanatos. Xanatos is the Master and Obi-Wan his padawan - a little knight music.
July 19
- PT, Chewie: Order 66 and the rise of the Empire. We all lost that day.
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; After TPM the trip back to Coruscant--getting to know you. No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.
- PT AU, Obi-Wan/Padme: after Mustafar, Padme survives--grief shared.
- PT, Obi-Wan/Anakin: Want is not enough to break a Jedi's will.
- OT, Luke and Ben: how they became friends - a youngster on Tatooine. No slash, please
- OT - Chewbacca, R2-D2 - A mission to accomplish. - No dialogue!
- OT: Leia, Padme, Luke: Padme survived and leads the Rebellion -- the weight of history.
- OT, Leia/Han: fast and dirty, first time scenario in which Leia is not a terrified virgin - shell-shocked.
- OT, Han/Luke: that bounty hunter on Ord Mantell - must be your winning personality
- PT & EU, Jaina Solo & Qui-Gon Jinn: Time travel - mentoring.
- EU; Mara Jade, Ben Skywalker; Gen/Angst/AU; Emperor's Legacy - Mara survives, Jacen doesn't.
were_lemur- EU: Mara Jade: Missing years: How do you go on, when everything you fought for is gone?
- EU; Kyle Katarn/Jan Ors; Survival - 'What would you do without me?' "I'd be a content old man!"
July 20
- PT: AU. Qui-Gon didn't die, but left the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan is shocked to finally see his former Master again, only to find that he has trained Anakin Skywalker against the wishes of the Council. No Qui/Obi, please.
- PT: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mace, and Yoda; Anakin crashes his speeder into the Jedi Council room--don’t drink and drive.
- PT, Yané and/or Saché: Life after the Trade Federation occupation.
- PT, Obi-wan/Sabe: curiosity, Use the Force!
- PT, Obi-Wan/Anakin: Obi-Wan follows Anakin to the Dark Side - a better Jedi.
- OT, Ben Kenobi; Ben realizes it's Vader/Anakin's birthday and takes a heartbreaking trip down memory lane; "When you were a little boy, did I ever tell you that I wished you were mine?" not slash.
senatorsfan_ink- OT - Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, Chewbacca, any other OT characters you'd like - Captain Solo, in the library, with the candlestick.
- OT: Ensemble Cast: AU; Leia was the one frozen in Carbonite: "What do you want me to do, kid, put on a gold bikini and waltz into the Emperor's bedroom?"
- OT, Leia/Han: An adventure they share between episodes IV and V - a moment of weakness.
- EU, Rogues & Wraiths: first meeting - "These idiots are Wedge's new squadron?"
- EU, Legacy of the Force: Wynssa Fel, Myri Antilles (and whoever else you choose to involve) -- Wynssa discovers her cousin in a chance encounter aboard the Errant Venture while trying to deliver a message to her brother. Whether they recognize each other is up to you. "For all I know, he could be dead. . ."
batgirl_forever- EU; Sariss/Jarec; Tattoos - Jarec challenges Sariss' dedication.
- OT/EU, Leia/Mara: the Emperor's Hand conducts the interrogation of a prisoner aboard the Death Star - enemies.
July 21
- PT, Boba Fett - Childhood memories - happy days. No abuse
- PT: Padme Amidala: Getting into a Barfight: "aggressive negotiations": no Anakin
- PT, Qui-Gon Jinn/Shmi Skywalker: one night together--do you believe in magic?
- PT, Anakin/Obi-Wan: downtime between missions stuck out on the Outer Rim. Obi-Wan drinks too much; Anakin takes advantage - What do you want?
- OT, Leia Organa, Han Solo & Darth Vader: Leia raised by Vader - absolute power corrupts absolutely. Nothing very dark, please.
- OT, Leia: leader, princess, hero - rebel without a cause.
- OT, Obi-Wan Kenobi: Tatooine Exile--It won't be long now.
yinepu- OT, Leia/Han: cleaning up after Endor - "she's still a piece of junk."
- EU, Mara Jade: how the Emperor found her - The art of survival.
- EU; Iella Wessiri/Wedge Antilles; Gen/Humor/Het; Syal & Myri - Choosing baby names.
- EU; LightSideFemale!Revan/Canderous Ordo; Gen/Het; Playing House - Revan considers the beauty of Mandalorian family structure.
- EU, Goran Beviin/Medrit Vasur: fluff - "Make the world go away," no scat or golden showers
- PT, Palpatine/Crimson Guard: "Well done, my good and faithful servant."
July 22
- PT, Gen, Yoda and the younglings: lightsaber practice.
- PT - Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda - Waste - "An end to the tears, and the in-between years, and the trouble I've seen"
- Intertrilogy, Apailana: Senator Apailana goes to Coruscant. No EU.
- PT, Quinlan/Aayla: het, humor. Aayla and Quin go out for drinks - a little more than you expected? Don’t make this a PWP, please.
- OT, Leia Organa and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan escapes the Death Star alive - heroes.
- OT post-RotJ - R2-D2, C-3PO - A match of one-upmanship: who's been through the most?
- OT, Luke/Mon Mothma: it's good to know the Jedi aren't all gone--memories are made of this.
- OT, Luke/Wedge: angst after Biggs' death - make me forget death.
- EU, Mara Jade & the Wraiths: a mission together - exasperation.
- EU; Jaina Solo, Boba Fett; Gen/AU; Rite of Passage - Jaina slays Jacen and disowns her family in shame. Returns to Mandalore for comfort and approval.
were_lemur- EU, Corran/Mirax: Happy Anniversary - bubbles and bubbly.
- EU: Mara/Luke: going undercover as a married couple (before they got together): "We'll try not to kill each other."
- EU, female!Revan/Bastila - femmeslash - anything.
July 23
- PT, Padme's family:Left behind on Naboo--Living an illusion.
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; Early days as Master and Padawan--culture clash. No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan
- PT, Anakin and Obi-Wan: Sleeping in the same bed suddenly becomes the most difficult trial of either Jedi's life.
- OT, Boba Fett and Luke Skywalker; AU. Vader lied about being Luke's father, who is still alive and disguised as Boba Fett - "I don't need your help..."
- OT pre-ESB - Han, Luke, Leia - A princess, a smuggler and a farmboy walk into a bar... - No het!
- OT: Darth Vader and Leia; Pre-ANH meeting--you remind me of someone
- OT, Leia/Jan Dodonna: h/c over the destruction of Alderaan - "You were never a father-figure to me."
- EU, Kyp Durron, Jaina Solo & Jag Fel: Kyp learning he has to be the "manservant" in NJO series.
batgirl_forever- EU, post ROTJ: Either the Antilles, Horns, or Fels (bottom line: Correllians, no original characters);, humor. "The ryshcate was a lie."
- OT/EU: Ensemble Cast (Mara a plus): AU; What if the Vong had invaded during the galactic civil war: "are you with me or against me?"
- EU, Talon Karrde/Shada Dukal: First time, UST finally resolved.
carrole- EU; Canderous Ordo/Carth Onasi; Gen/Slash; War Stories - Carth and Canderous exchange horror stories in an effort to best/belittle each other.
July 24
- PT, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn: Qui-Gon Jinn takes a new apprentice - we don't live here anymore. NO EU.
- PT: Clones; Thoughts during Order 66--"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."
- PT, Obi-Wan/Sabe: A parallel between the Anakin/Padmé and Obi-Wan/Sabé relationship
- PT, Obi-Wan/Quinlan Vos: my padawan's hotter than your padawan
- OT, Luke Skywalker: "Can I play with your lightsaber?" NOT porn.
- OT: Luke: After losing his family and then destroying the Death Star, Luke starts dreaming of a tortured mother and killing Sand People -- righteousness and guilt.
- OT - Han/Leia, Luke - When water is as thick as blood.
- OT/EU, Leia and Winter: post-ANH, grieving for Alderaan - there's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember.
- Post-ROTJ AU, R2-D2 and Hermione Bagwa: Artoo writes his autobiography -mixed fruit jelly.
- EU, Mara and Leia: the boys are in trouble again - fast women.
- EU, ensemble Mandalorians, Last Desperate Stand (Vong War edition)/ "How many of them can we make die?"
- EU, Han/Leia. Het. Troubled marriage - tell me you need me.
- EU: Mara/Luke: fluff: "a quiet evening at home"
July 25
- PT, Anakin and Aayla: padawans in trouble -- if our masters find out, we'll be so grounded!
- PT - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi - Clock - "Something shiny"
- PT: Ensemble Cast: AU; Obi-Wan kills Anakin: "payment in blood"
- PT, AU, Obi-Wan/Anakin, Obi-Wan crashes on Tatooine and finds shelter with adult slave Anakin. "I threw my life's convinctions to the wind for you". Happy end preferred.
- PT, Padmé/Dormé: AU. What if Padmé had left politics, and they had met as equals, instead of mistress and handmaiden?
- OT, Chewie: watching Luke as a Jedi -- Though much is taken, much abides
- OT AU, Ensemble: The Imperials do not track the Falcon to Yavin - "We'll find a way." No slash.
- EU: Jix - gen/slash/het/whatever. Jix is sent to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance. Things don't go quite as planned. No Scat, golden showers, non-con.
- EU; Female!Revan; Gen/AU; The Hapes Sector - Revan discovers the secret of the Lorell Raiders' and plants seeds for the matriarchal future.
- PT EU, Aayla Secura/Kit Fisto: Hey, that tickles!
- EU: Mara/Luke: The first (real) date: "You really know how to show a girl a good time."
- EU; Talon Karrde/Quelev Tapper; Gen/Slash; Partners - No pets, no kids, no women.
July 26
- PT, Queen Apailana: Mourning her predecessor, as the galaxy turns to ashes around them. No femmeslash.
- PT - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn - Pyramid - "Faith"
- PT: Anakin and Obi-Wan; Downtime during the Clone Wars--"Is that a gray hair Master?"
- PT, Anakin/Padme: a meeting between AOTC and ROTS - "You need a haircut." PG-13 or lower.
jedi_em- PT, Obi-Wan/Anakin: AU, Obi-Wan and Anakin are career criminals - partners in crime.
- OT, Crackfic/Parody, Han/Chewbaca
- OT/EU pre-ESB - Luke and the Rogues - "Some day you'll return to your valleys and your farms, and you'll no longer burn to be brothers in arms."
- PT/OT/EU: Leia Organa: Early days of the Rebellion through a child's eyes: Growing up with secrets, she didn't know the biggest one of all"
- PT, Lando/Han: looking for a new ship - this girl's got some legs. No kissing.
- EU: Solos, Kyp Durron: Jaina held captive - angst, trauma, recovery.
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): bluffing: "Pretty little thing like you?"
- EU, Mara/Lando: sure, nothing ever really happened between them - fast times
- EU, Sidious/Plagueis: A glimpse at their relationship when Plagueis first took on Palpatine as his apprentice - to the bitter end.
July 27
- PT, Anakin: The last thoughts of Anakin Skywalker on Mustafar - burning.
seal_girl- PT/EU: Something clone-trooper-centric. Preferably gen, and not SOLELY action-oriented. What we're fighting for.
- PT, Shmi and Anakin Skywalker: The birth of Anakin--Once upon a time…
- PT, Jango Fett/Zam Wessell: A little light smut - fun and profit.
were_lemur- OT, Chewie: reflection on the Rebellion and the Clone Wars -- all that is required for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
- OT: Obi-Wan and Shmi; After he dies Obi-Wan meets Anakin's mother--the prodigal son. No Qui-Gon,
- OT, Luke Skywalker and Bail Organa: Bail adopts Luke--Blue skies.
- OT, Leia Organa/Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan does not stay on Tatooine and eighteen years later he meets a girl... - summer and winter. NO EU.
- EU, Rogue Squadron Pilots especially Wes Janson: The Rogues get into a brawl in a cantina. Fighting is postponed when Wes takes of his shirt and dances on a table - we gotta get out of here!
- EU: Dass Jennir. Jennir considers himself the most average of Jedi. When Order 66 decimates his society, Jennir wonders how statistically average he is now.
- EU: Mara Jade: Getting into a barfight: "I have to protect my people."
- EU; LightSideFemale!Revan/Carth Onasi; Before Revan leaves for the Outer Rim - Revan asks Carth to forget her, Carth promises to wait for her.
July 28
- PT, Yoda: Life on Dagobah - my home this is
- PT, Padme, Bail: Bail knows Padme is pregnant - "be careful, my friend"
- PT: Ensemble Cast: AU; Qui-Gon Lives, Obi-Wan Dies: "I shouldn't have ... "
- PT, Anakin/Obi-wan: celebratory dringking - Fancy flying is totally how the Jedi do it. Nothing too bizarre.
- OT, Leia Organa and Darth Vader; Leia would never tell anyone that once upon a time she had been secretly facinated by Darth Vader; she wondered who and what he had once been...
the_summoning_d- OT: Leia, Bail, Mon Mothma: Bail was off-planet when the Empire destroyed Alderaan -- stuck in the past.
- OT, Vader/Dormé: drama/angst/darkfic Vader meets his new security officer and is confronted with the past…
- OT - Han/Luke slash - A long, lonely trip, just the two of them.
- EU, Mara Jade: Emperor's Hand - lightsaber practice.
- EU: Mara Jade: Missing years: fighting to survive
- PT/EU: Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, others: The beginnings of the Rebellion: "It's not the size of the [dog] in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the [dog]."
- EU: Wes Janson really likes to be dominated. Het preferred.
- EU; Talon Karrde/Jorj Car'das; Gen/Slash; Hard Lessons - Never mix business and pleasure.
- EU, Imperial Inquisitor (any of them)/anyone: Smut. It can be het, it can be slash, it can be both; I'm not picky. I just want smut.
christinex1001 July 29
- PT, Commander Cody: Order 66, and it's aftermath - What is truth?.
- PT - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda - Weather - "You will alway wonder how it would have been if you'd only lied"
- PT, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi: Adventure during the CW--This is where the fun begins.
- PT, Shmi/Qui-Gon: (AU) What if Qui-Gon really was Anakin's father.
- PT: Anakin/Obi-Wan; Post-sex conversation--universal constants
- OT, Skywalkers, Solos, and Friends: Time travel, the Millennium Falcon and its crew somehow crashland on a Clone Wars battlefield being commanded by Anakin and Obi-Wan.
- OT during RotJ - Luke, Han gen - "I don't know you anymore."
- OT, Owen/Beru: a slice of life - growing old together.
- EU, Jaina Solo, possibly Wedge Antilles: What if Jaina had become Queen of Hapes?
- EU: Mace Windu and his master T'ra Saa; Mace's first attraction to Vaapad. T'ra guides him, but her reservations are growing apace.
- EU: Mara Jade: Missing years: "What do you have left?" "Myself."
- EU, Mara/Luke: a Jedi's patience is not infinite - "You're a dead man Skywalker!" "I've heard that before."
- EU; DarkSideFemale!Revan/Dustil Onasi; Angst/Het; Revan takes Dustil as her apprentice.
July 30
- PT, Anakin: Makeshift podracing during the Clone Wars - still the best in the galaxy.
- PT, Anakin, Obi-Wan: a training session - "how did you get up there?" No slash.
- PT: Obi-Wan and the Jedi Council; Obi-Wan is elected onto the Council--hazing rituals
- PT, Breha/Bail: Her early involvement in the Rebellion, with or without her untimely death. Extrasuperdoubleplus points for a good explanation of how she is Queen and Minister of Education while Bail is Prince and Viceroy.
- PT, Anakin Skywalker/Obi-Wan Kenobi: The Jedi are celibate - desire leads to suffering. NO EU.
- OT, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker; for some reason Vader (maybe disguised?)ends up at Jabba's palace during the big Han Solo rescue; "Why did you do that?"
- PT, OT or EU: R2-D2 and C-3PO: Getting into a Barfight: "It's against my programming to ... "
- OT, Han/Leia: the night before the attack on the shield generator--things left unsaid.
- EU, Bail, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis - The Corellian Treaty and restoring the Republic - if we don't, who will?
- EU; Talon Karrde & Booster Terrik; Anti-Slavery - Why crime lords have morals.
- EU, Luke/Mara, Han/Leia: the two couples get transported to an alternate reality in which Anakin killed Palpatine, he and Padme split up when the twins were born so he could be a better Jedi, and the old Order and Republic are still alive and well -- trust me, you don't want to know.
- EU, Goran Beviin/Medrit Vasur: pwp - living for the moment. No scat or golden showers.
July 31
- PT, Yoda: his first mission as a jedi knight. Water. No romance.
- PT, AU, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon: Qui-Gon rejects Obi-Wan to train Anakin only to discover Obi-Wan is the real Chosen One-- "I beg your perdon for being so blind." No slash.
- PT, Anakin/Obi-Wan: Getting a rather stuffy Jedi Master to live a little.
seal_girl- PT, Padmé Amidala/Dormé [unrequited]: It's so hard when you love your mistress, and she only likes you.
kittychan- OT, Mon Mothma - Post-RotJ, Luke and Leia's parentage. How little we really know people.
were_lemur- OT: Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. In his first conversation with his old master, Obi-Wan asks why he never warned them about Sidious--blood on your hands. No Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.
- OT, Han/Leia: learning the truth about the twins' parentage--hope for the future.
- EU, Leia and Luke: anytime post-ROTJ, siblings don't always get along - squabbling in the back seat.
- EU, Jaina Solo & Kyp Durron: Jaina as the Yuuzhan Vong goddess - trickster. No Jag bashing.
- EU: Mara Jade (Emperor's Hand): undercover mission: being someone else.
- EU; Mara Jade/Lando Calrissian; Gen/Humor/Het; Cover Stories - "Why don't we drink to me and my reflection in your lovely eyes?"
- EU, Tahiri/Jaina - femmeslash - the art of Shaping as metaphor for intercourse.
- EU: Plo Koon & Jace Dallin - Master and Commander. Set anytime during or after the Stark Hyperspace War. Slash is great, UST is good, gen/friendship fic could be fun too.
Comment below to claim a prompt. Fics and other fanworks are due on the date given.
Have fun, and spread the word!