you know... i really realized something tonight... thank you. i havent truely understood some things, but i stepped back and saw the world from another perspective... interesting... i sse through a new view...
always, for you, will i push harder to make a difference and make smiles come through i love you
So i am looking to go to florida this spring break (sometime between March 9th and the 12th) and i have no one to go with... anyone like to go? it shouldnt be too crazy expensive. i am loooking forward to going but does anyone else need a vacation for a few days?...
I wanna escape from the norm... i wanna go to the place where i feel that i belong... i wanna see that open, free, ocean with no worries... and i wanna share it with you...
its the love that pushes me further... i cant get any part of you out of my mind... nothing seems important other than you... every step and move i make i have you in the back of my mind like my guardian angel... i love you