Primeval fic: Worthy Opponents

Jun 28, 2013 18:02

Title: Worthy Opponents

Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Becker, Lester, OC
P100 challenge 321: High Noon

AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés and unlikely shenanigans. Continues from here. Becker and Lester finally work out they have been looking in the wrong places.


Any other time Becker would have appreciated the stand-off as Mrs Pembleblossom and Lester traded barbed pleasantries. Now he just felt frustration.

Suddenly Lester struck. “Your clock - it was broken. Did Connor mend it?”

“Why, yes..,” began the innkeeper, then stopped, realising her error. “I promised not to tell. Poor lamb insisted that he’d ruined everything for everyone and just wanted to go home.” She side-eyed Becker. “Though from the shamelessly debauched clatterings we all heard you’d think any ruining was entirely mutual!"

“So where is Connor?” asked Lester, before Becker could respond. “Not London?”

She conceded defeat. “Manchester.”


becker/connor, primeval, regency au, drabble

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