Title: Words Unspoken
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Becker/Connor
Written for P100 challenge 336: Forgetful
AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés and unlikely shenanigans. Becker and Connor meet again. Continues from
AN2: Extremely sappy indeed. I definitely owe Connor a badass fic after this is finished.
Becker had imagined this moment. He’d planned what he would say and do. And it was nothing like this. Despite everything, the Connor in his mind was the exultant boy he’d last seen brushing sleep from his eyes in a rented bedroom. That boy was gone. This Connor looked shocked, terrified, and then, simply dazed. Becker’s heart twisted.
“So forgetful, Conn?” teased Becker, moving slowly forward.
“Shush, Connor,” said Becker. “We need to talk but right now I just want to hold you. Will you let me?”
Connor gave a choked sob. Becker closed the gap between them.