Title: An Unexpected Wedding
Word count: 100
Rating: Gen
Characters: Becker/Connor
Written for P100 challenge 346: Twas the night before Christmas
AN: AU Becker/Connor Regency romance of many clichés, bad history and assorted unlikely shenanigans. Becker and Connor are finally together. Continues from
here. Now for the traditional happy ending.
Bells pealed across Hanover Square as guests spilled out of St George’s church.
“Happy?” asked Becker smiling at his husband.
“Very,” said Connor.
It would be Christmas tomorrow. They would spend it with family and friends before embarking on their travels. Becker was making good his promise to take Connor to India.
“You could have had a fancy wedding.”
Connor grinned. “But that would have meant waiting. And I didn’t want to wait any longer.”
“Good thinking,” agreed Becker, kissing Connor lightly on the tip of his nose.
Then the cheering began as Lester and Jess came down the steps.
That’s it for this series. *sniffles* I shall miss them! Thanks to everyone who’s taken the time to read and comment.