Aug 17, 2005 23:03
Payback is a bitch
I _____ Parker.
Parker is _____.
If I was stuck in an elevator with Parker, I would _____.
I think Parker should _____.
Parker needs _____.
I want to _____ Abbie.
Parker is like _____.
Without Parker I would _____.
Memories of Parker are _____.
Parker can be _____.
The best thing about Parker is _____.
I am _____ with
Mar 27, 2005 20:25
Josh is a stupid stupid bitch
He deserves death
I hate him more than I have ever hated any other stupid stupid bitch
I demand he be killed at ONCE
Mar 24, 2005 10:27
Fair last night with Dan and Abbie
Pictures are up in her lj
Which seems useless for me to say, cuz im pretty damn sure she is the only one that reads this, and thats only because I make her...with VIOLENCE
PS - Whoever hit that zebra with a water bottle...YOU FUCKING SUCK
Mar 20, 2005 11:14
Hey look, I wrote in my own journal
Soooo...what went down lately...uhhhh
Abbie called me yesterday, yelling about snake bites, which turn out to be piercings, which came out all hot and such
Then uhhh...DANCE 360 RULES
And I made a cake, and it rocks, even though its lopsided and tends to slide around, but its not about the looks
Jan 17, 2005 16:37
My cousin's trailer burned to the ground this morning.
She and her husband and the baby all got out, but their dog and all their stuff is gone, and they have no insurance.
I feel so bad for her, she has had it so tough.
Jan 17, 2005 13:46
So I made a new one.
Not that I wrote in the old one.
But the name was pissing me the hell off.
But I have to have it, for these crazy kids and their "friends only" stuff.
Yes Abbie, I'm talking about you.