Projects 2012

Dec 31, 2012 23:11

Continuing the record from
Posting this now so it can be filled in as I go, just like the above entries.
NB: Baby due Aprilish, so productivity may be down somewhat or maybe just refocused...

*object* (date started, date finished)
Linen undertunic (J)(Jan 2012, finished for CF 2012). Neckline extended for breast feeding out of Sept 2012.
Florintine 15th C style dress (J)(Jan 2012, finished at CF 2012)
brown linen trousers for Z (late Jan 2012, wearable for CF 2012, finished 14.6.2012)
Naalbinded socks (Z)(1.5 weeks in June)
Silk coif (AJBM)(24.8.2012, for Darton Ann)
Purple canvas rain cape (AJBM)(~27.9.2012 for trip down south, she looks like a baby jawah in it...)

Converted bit of early attempt at Z braes into a rag doll for AJBM. (25.8.2012, for Darton Ann)
Recut undertunic (J) from 2001/2002(??) for better fitting underarm gores (they were ginormous) and added nursing slits (~18.11.2012)

Small hand cloths for wiping baby face aka blupping cloths. 15+ (ongoing)
Edged wool blankets to go on cot mattresses.

Curtain between kitchen and lounge (~4.6.2012). I sewed it up, Z hung it. Should have done this ages ago given how it helps with heat retention in the lounge.
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