I am starting to want to map out "My Chances" spatially, much like any musical score, to take note of the recurrent motifs and underlying references in the polyphonic spree.
It reminds me of the diagram I did for Deleuze and Guattari's desiring machines back in hons year.
"I think the epitome of economy is not to be found in what we call the economic world. It is to be found in the aesthetic world, where a very tiny amount of energy, a very tiny amount of material, does very powerful things." (p 117
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Me: I have a code of honour. J: You sound like you've been playing Metal Gear Solid 4.
Want, one of the instructors of the creative writing course I've been attending for the past six weeks, hugged me goodbye yesterday, saying that I always looked so comfortable and cosy in my seat, so cool and unruffled.
It's just about time to get back into the groove of things. First up -- getting reacquainted with Virilio again. Don't want to get too obsessive at this point, so I'll probably lie low and look at some Baudrillard if I have the time
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