now since I've spent a very LLLLLllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time avoid people, I've decided to start returning calls unfortuneately I have no time. But i will make time, on monday to call people
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ok so it turns out chris didn't do his homework becuz he was working and with his mom not his friends like I had thought. So then he comes and picks me up at like 3:45 and we go to his house and we go to church and when we come back Clay is there and is like bye I'm leaving and we are like ok see ya later. and then it was awkward and we were like
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well on new years Chris and I went to this party there was drinking and I had like two Mike's Hard Lemonade and a shot of something. So I was just a little tipsy. Chris on the other hand had more than me and basically got drunk. Well someone called and was like we called the cops so we all left and went to my house because no one was there. We
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