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Comments 20

B solarhussyalert December 22 2011, 16:10:15 UTC
[Lym sees Miakis outside, but she has been so mean lately. Blanking a little girl is the ultimate in mean but Lym still is Lym so she walks out and sets a small thermos of tea some 10 feet from the door before retreating back to her room to stare at the Sun Rune for warmth when its working]


sting_like_a December 23 2011, 02:13:19 UTC

[The sound of footsteps causes Miakis to look up and watch Lym's back, retreating back into the house. She frowns, puzzled.]

Oh, it's the little drone girl again... weird. Now that I think about it, though, she kinda looks like His Majesty... [meaning Ferid, of course]


solarhussyalert December 23 2011, 11:28:33 UTC
I'm not a drone... Just... Eh. Its not important.

[She sighs and opens the door]


commentboxtroll December 22 2011, 16:15:19 UTC
[Well, all that giggling sure does interrupt Caesar's walk just before he passes by her. It's like she's not even trying to hide...]

Funny. I didn't know trees giggled.


sting_like_a December 23 2011, 02:14:32 UTC
[Not trying very hard, no. Miakis can't help it, okay, the laughter just comes and she can't fight it! This is too funny~]

They do now!

[Annnd aiming a snowball right at your dumb grumpy head, Caesar.]


commentboxtroll December 23 2011, 02:59:58 UTC
[Watch him dodge all cool like-- oh wait, he can't do that. Nevermind. Instead he gets hit in the head by a snowball like a loser and staggers back a step or two.]



sting_like_a December 23 2011, 04:03:29 UTC



A float_like_a December 22 2011, 16:29:39 UTC
[Here comes Lyon, looking all sadface that Miakis has forgotten her completely after all that trolling from earlier in the week. Feels bad, man.

Now would clearly be the time to throw a snowball right in her fake fucking face.]


sting_like_a December 23 2011, 02:17:34 UTC
[Oh, it's that strange girl who lives in Miakis's house. And she is completely oblivious to her surroundings! For a brief moment, looking at her makes her feel incredibly annoyed, so fwoosh, there goes another snowball~ Better watch out, Fakey Fake Fake~]


float_like_a December 24 2011, 02:33:11 UTC
[Lyon's pretty perceptive in general, even when she's upset, but unfortunately it's not really enough to save her. She turns around to the direction the snowball is coming from about halfway through its arc, just at the right moment for it to hit her squarely in the face.]

Hey! What was that for?

[Wiping the snow from her face. She hasn't gotten a good look at her attacker just yet.]


A fuckyeahsealand December 22 2011, 18:43:31 UTC
[Sealand is walking around in the park, totally oblivious to any giggling because he's been constantly plagued with the feeling something is really wrong, or missing, and it's driving him nuts.

Also he's still kind of tired from 24 hours of Christmas caroling.]


sting_like_a December 23 2011, 02:21:59 UTC
[A-Aww, it's Sealand! And he... looks kind of sad. Wow, that kind of kills all the fun, though. :c

Whatever, she's gonna throw the snowball anyway.]

Heads up, kiddo~!

[At least she's nice enough to give him a warning!!]


fuckyeahsealand December 23 2011, 02:25:59 UTC

[Whumph, it hits him right in the face. But he spots Miakis pretty quickly after that.]

Hey, no fair hiding!


sting_like_a December 23 2011, 02:27:15 UTC
All's fair in love and war, Sealand!

[Throwing another one now - but she aims a little lower this time, toward his chest/abdomen. She's not that mean!]


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