in an effort to spread my spring cleaning to all aspects of my life, i have a new live journal. it looks a lotthe same... because there are certain things that i cannotpart with.. like my layout
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ATTN ALL LONDON PEOPLE: i was supposed to give the ITALY PEOPLE my hairdryer that can fit into European sockets butI didn't get it to them in time. Does anyone whant to take it with them to London??? I'll have it at school to day with me (THURSDAY) in case anyone would want it.
genetically i have about .0000000000004 % french in me. I, myself however, am about 200% in love with it. i got a headache today from not speaking french. i was still in canadia mode. i think i'm obsessed. i think i have to live in a francophone land. yay!
So amazing Variety show my friends, I must say. It was pretty fabulous. i loved the officers' skit and the teachers' skit. it was oretty much the only reason taht i came
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i remember some of my dream now! i wentto mr bennett's house and yelledat him about making those girls take their necklacesoff. i told him it wasfreedom of speech etc bla bla bla and his wife (whom i have not met) was begging me to stop