Far's Forgotten Fandom ICON REQUEST

Oct 22, 2012 20:30

Hate it when you get into a fandom and can't find ONE
darn icon for it or one of its characters?! Yea, me too.

So give me screencaps of your favorite forgotten fandom or forgotten character. The ones fandom seems to forget to icon often. New show, old show--small character, guest star, the lead that people somehow ignore--BRING IT.

Movies, television, music videos--really anything is welcome. Though I have very little to contribute to the plethora and amazingness that has already been created for large fandoms like Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones.

Give me as many or as few caps as you like. And I'll see what I can do (hi-res is preferred)! I can't guarantee I'll icon EVERY screencap, but I'll try and make something for everyone who requests. I guess it depends on how many requests I get.

If you don't know if your fandom is "small" enough, don't worry about it JUST POST!


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