Who: Nanashii/Trowa Barton and whoever decides to drop by
What: Nanashii bought a flute!
When: Today?
Where: Around the park
Warnings: Shouldn't be any
Notes: Feel free to assume your character followed, or noticed his purchase, or just be there watching and listening.
Hey! Nameless boy has a flute! )
Sadly, Skull Kid was disappointed when he saw it was just another human playing that flute. But still, it was strange to see another person playing instruments in the park. It was still a nice melody, and easy enough to follow. Nanashii might be surprised to hear a second flute joining in on his playing, and if he looks up he might notice the masked imp in the tree.
No one around, then he looked up. A mask? Hmm... That was different, but oddly fitting. He thought he might have seen whoever it was a few times over the Guide, but had never felt the need to reply. Perhaps that would change, perhaps not.
He let himself fall back into the comfortable tune, keeping an ear on the other player in case the tune changed. It could be... fun.
You'll be pleasantly surprised to know that Skull Kid does do a good job in following the melody. On the occasion he misreads a note, he quickly covers with a few quick notes of his own to get him back on track. It adds a bit of a whimsical nature to the song, or at least a nice round.
Using the slight variations in the other's tune, he varied his own, adding trills and speeding up just a little.
As the song died down, Skull Kid giggled in a childish manner. "That was fun!"
"I wouldn't mind repeating it sometime."
"I will."
"What's your name?"
"I don't have one." Simple. Honest. Though he did answer to a number of 'names', depending on the person.
"Me neither!" he pronounced. "I'm a Skull Kid. You're a human. That's good enough for me."
"It works."
"At least you're not boring!"
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