oh mannn i'm so tired. first week of school has really worn me ourt. it been good but still. atleast i have 3 day weekends and a 4day weekend this week. so i will get plenty rest-
for this crazy college kid it's time for some crazy college sleep. :p
[[[what will happen tommorrow????????????????//]]]
hi- so over 3 people have asked me to read their journals so i'm hear reading your journals. by the way i'm in a piss mood and hope everybody drops dead by tommorrow. sorry folks- i just can't stand you lot for the most part. bye.
i hate people who don't understand who aren't willing to understand who yell at you when you're having a really hard time just because you can't explain
hi! i'm sixteen and depressed! and guess what?! i don't have all figured ourt yet!
i feel like a fuck-up waiting to happen.
and cheers to my mates the rest can waste away for all i care.