Oct 08, 2005 21:55
go there watch our movies and click the ads to make me money
Aug 07, 2005 18:52
School tommorow. that sucks. it was a good summer. Camp was hell even though i became friends with a bunch of pretty cool people.
They messed up my schedule. they made it to be:
1. Chemistry Honors
2. Ceramics
3. AP Eanglich
4. Integrated Mathematics
Comment if your with me in any of these, or else ill hjust find out for myself tommorow
Jun 21, 2005 20:20
im gonna have a birthday party give me ur email adress if u want to go
May 22, 2005 14:58
ok my lj thing is messed up still but it is on both names so whatever im just gonna keep this one. im bored.
Brandon is __________
P.S. to all u people that are gonna say something mean screw you in advance lol
May 14, 2005 15:00
my journal isnt working right so i have a new one.... b_de_r add me