Dec 09, 2004 21:05
oo man.. dimebag darrell is dead... one of gods greatest guitarists. right on the 24th anniversary of john lennons death. wow
Dec 08, 2004 15:00
today was an eventful day.... leaving school ground + smoking on school ground = detention.... whoops i really gotta stop.. i know its bad for me and all but you can't just stop. i shall make qutting my new year's resolution
Dec 07, 2004 20:54
well i have decided that myspace is being gay to me so i have stopped using it for today only... i have a whopping two friends on it. got my sweet picture retakes today.. i love my hair in them. its so much longer then it is now. but its time for me to be moving on.
Dec 07, 2004 16:20
well its 4:20 and i just finsihed my myspace cuz laura wanted me to make one... its not complete but im still thinking about stuff its up at the top if ya wanna go
Dec 06, 2004 18:23
you know whats sad? when you're putting up your fake christmas tree and it smells like dust:[