Hell Hath No Fury (4/8) - SPN/Mag7/HL

Sep 17, 2009 23:36

Title: Hell Hath No Fury - (4/8)
Author: strangevisitor7
Fandom/Universe: Supernatural, Magnificent 7; In the Aces Immortal Highlander AU
Beta: ithildyn
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Characters: From SPN: Dean and Sam Winchester. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Josiah Sanchez and Inez Rocillos; OFC - Cecily Desjardins; Vin/Cecily

Summary: What if Sam and Dean were hunters in the Old West? The Winchesters are chasing something evil which is leaving a trail of bodies across the southwest. The hunt leads them to Four Corners and a meeting with the lawmen who protect the town.

A/N: Cecily is an OFC created by ithildyn. Read Ith's marvelous story Silk and Firecrackers, which takes place before this story, if you want to get to know Cecily better. She is the adopted daughter of Charlotte Black. Because Cecily and Ezra essentially grew up together, he thinks of her like a little sister and refers to her that way.

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8

Hell Hath No Fury: Chapter 4

Eagle Bend

Dean exited the telegraph office waving the slip of paper in Sam's direction. "Looks like we're heading to Four Corners."

Dean took the reigns of Impala from Sam and handed him the brief message as he mounted his horse.

"Come now. You're needed." Sam read the telegram. "And who's Buck Wilmington?"

Dean shook his head "I'm guessing Josiah had a friend send the telegram. Maybe he's another hunter."

"If we hurry, we can be there by lunchtime." Sam encouraged Poe to set a fast pace as the two brothers headed out of town.

Four Corners

Josiah had decided he could no longer tolerate the silent standoff in the jail and was happy to relinquish babysitting duties to Vin when the tracker had appeared to see Inez for himself. With a stern warning not to get too close, he had headed up to the church tower to watch for the brothers.

As he peered out onto the desert landscape, Josiah rolled his neck. The kinks of age and immobility were making his vigil uncomfortable, but he remained in the tower. He wanted to greet the brothers before they had a chance to hear what had happened from anyone else.

He'd been on watch for almost an hour when he was finally rewarded with the sight of two riders coming in fast.

Josiah headed downstairs and was waiting on the church steps when the Winchesters rode into town.

"Sam. Dean. Am I glad to see you boys." Josiah walked over to greet them as they dismounted.

"Wish it were under better circumstances," Sam said as he shook the older man's hand.

"Josiah," Dean acknowledged. "You got trouble too?"

Josiah nodded. "Just hope it's the same trouble you boys are chasing."

Handing their horses off to the boys at the livery, Josiah led the Winchesters back into the church. Conversations such as they needed to have shouldn't be done on the main street.

"So, what's going on here?" Sam asked as he settled into a pew beside his brother.

Josiah sat on the pew in front and turned to face them. "The bartender at the Saloon, Inez, is locked in our jail right now for attacking one of my friends, Ezra Standish, with a butcher knife."

"Sounds like our big nasty," Dean interrupted. "Let me guess. She filleted your friend before snapping his neck and now doesn't remember a thing."

Sam elbowed his brother who mouthed What back at him. "A little sensitivity, Dean. It's his friend."

"It's alright," Josiah said. "While Inez did stab him a couple a times, we were able to subdue her and Ezra's gonna make it."

"Really? He's very lucky," Sam said. "None of the other eight men have survived."

"Ezra may not think so right now; hurt like he is, but it's a damn sight better than dead." Josiah knew that if any of his other friends had been present when this thing had taken control of Inez, they'd be having a funeral today instead of a fake bedside vigil. "Eight other murders?" Josiah shook his head. "Do you have any idea what it is?"

"Unfortunately, while we were able to talk to the last woman it took over, we haven't figured out the identity off the thing that controlled her."

Sam quickly filled Josiah in on the details of the other cases. "We'll need to talk to Ezra; maybe he can help us find this thing."

"No need to talk to him, I know exactly where it is," Josiah said. "Whatever this evil is, it's still inside Inez ."

Dean stood, excited by the possibility that they might be able to end the killing. "Why are we sitting here yakking? Let's go waste this evil son of a bitch."

"Wait a minute, Dean," Sam said, pulling his brother back down. "We still don't know what it is. We didn't think it was a demon, but have you tried to exorcise it?"

He nodded. "You're right, it's not a demon and it's not bothered by silver or iron," Josiah said, remembering how Inez had held onto the iron bars of her cell.

"That eliminates a lot of things," Sam agreed. "You think the Sherriff will let us see her."

Josiah laughed. "Now that isn't a problem since I'm part of the law in this town."

"You're the Sheriff? Dean asked, incredulous.

"Actually, I'm one of seven who protect the town. Ezra's another."

"Well that makes one aspect of our job easier." Dean smiled.

"Right now, Vin's watching Inez; he's another of our group. But it shouldn't be a problem sending him off or keeping the others away."

"Even if we free her of what's controlling her, I suppose she'll go to prison for nearly killing a lawman," Sam said sadly. "We couldn't stop them from hanging the last woman."

"You let me worry about saving Inez from the law; you just save her from this evil." Josiah was certain Ezra wouldn't want to punish Inez even if he couldn't come up with a plausible explanation for her behavior.

"Sammy thinks that it might be a cursed object. This Inez have any unusual jewelry or wearing anything new that might be the source?"

"I can't say that I would notice something like that, but it's as good a theory as any."

"Then I say we strip her down and burn everything she's wearing," Dean suggested.

"That's gonna be tough to do," Josiah said. "She's a hellcat; attacking anyone who comes near. Plus, I'm not sure I'm comfortable striping Inez naked. Don't seem decent."

Dean shook his head. "I got no problem doing it. If the evil isn't in her, than it's on her."

Sam was also uncomfortable with the idea of humiliating Inez this way without knowing exactly what they were looking for. "We should talk to Ezra first before we go stripping Inez. He might have seen something during the attack that will help us."

"I already said that there's no reason to talk to Ezra!" Josiah realized he'd spoken a little too forcefully, but he wasn't about to let the brothers anywhere near Ezra. He knew that many in the hunter community would view the Immortal as an evil to be dispatched and wouldn't see that Ezra and Charlotte were good decent people with a quirk of biology. He didn't know which side of that line the Winchesters would fall, nor was he going to risk finding out. "I mean Ezra's hurt bad," he clarified. "He's really not up for strangers pestering him with questions."

The brothers exchanged a worrisome glance, but didn't challenge Josiah on his story. "So we're back to strip searching Inez," Dean said.

"Suppose I should get something for her to put on after we're done," Josiah said as he stood. "I've got a robe she can wear." He headed toward the back of the church.


"He sure got all twitchy whenever we asked to see Ezra," Dean said after waiting for Josiah to disappear into the back room.

"It's only natural that he's worried for his friend. Why? You think he's hiding something?"

Dean shrugged. "Not sure, but this may be more complicated than we thought." He didn't really know Josiah all that well, but something just didn't sit right and Dean wasn't one to ignore those feelings.

"Ya think?" Sam snorted and Dean had to chuckle his agreement. This hunt was already too complicated.

Josiah had come back into the sanctuary, and Dean silently indicated to his brother that they'd talk about it later as they rose to follow the big man out of the church.


As they approached, the door to the jail was flung open and an irate woman stormed out followed by a long haired man in a buckskin jacket.

Dean eyed the attractive young woman with appreciation. Her green eyes were startling set against her light mocha-colored skin; she was dressed in a yellow silk skirt with matching jacket over a white blouse, which all seemed just a little too fancy for such a backwater town.

"Cecily, I done told you not to get too close," the man said as he grabbed her arm trying to stop her escape.

"I have been manhandled enough for one day, Vin Tanner," she snapped pulling her arm free from his grasp. "I don't care what Ezra says; that woman is a menace and I will see she pays for what she's done." She turned and headed across the street

"Everything alright, Miss Cecily?" Josiah asked as she passed them by.

Cecily pivoted gracefully, sending her skirts swirling in a delicate wave. "Ask him." She indicated Vin. "I'm going back to sit with my brother," she said, before completing her circular motion and continuing on her way.

Dean watched with amusement; that woman was a real spitfire. He might just have to introduce himself when this was over.

Vin huffed in exasperation and made to follow Cecily, but Josiah blocked his path.

"What happened?"

"Cecily happened," Vin snapped, as if that explained everything. At Josiah's raised eyebrow, he continued, "She came storming into the jail, determined to give Inez a piece of her mind for hurting Ez. JD tried to stop her and so did I, but - "

Josiah chuckled. "No one stops Cecily when she's got her mind set on something."

"'Xactly," Vin agreed. "She marches right up to the cell and before I knew it, Inez had her arm around Cecily's waist trapping her against the bars. Got her loose right quick, but now she's all mad at me like I let it happen."

Josiah clapped the younger man on the shoulder. "She'll forgive you - eventually," he teased.

Vin smiled. "Well, they say makin' up's the best part."

He gestured toward where Cecily was climbing the stairs to what Dean assumed was the sick room where Ezra was resting. "Left JD inside. I best stop her from pesterin' Ezra about Inez." Vin glanced at Dean and Sam as he continued to address Josiah. "He don't need the upset in his - condition."

Dean was watching Vin carefully and he heard it again; the same hesitation that Josiah had had when he'd talked about Ezra.

"She's damn lucky," Dean said. "Understand Inez did a real number on your friend. Cut him up pretty good."

"He's gonna be fine." Vin eyed Dean with suspicion. "These your friends that Buck sent for?"

Sam extended his hand. "Sam Winchester, and this is my brother Dean."

"Vin Tanner." He shook both brothers' hands. "How ya gonna help Inez?"

"We've actually been hired by the family of another victim to find their brother's killer and our search has led us here."

"Inez ain't your killer!"

Sam held his hands up in a placating gesture. "You misunderstand. We think there is a killer out there that's using woman to commit these crimes. I suspect when we talk to Inez, we will find that she's been drugged or in some way manipulated to kill for him."

Dean had to smile. Sammy sure knew how to spin what they did into a story that the civilians accepted. He hadn't actually lied, but his brother's version of the truth was a lot more palatable then 'Inez is under the influence of an evil entity'.

"Why would some guy want ta make Inez kill Ezra?"

"Well that's the big question, isn't it?" Sam acknowledged. "We think he enjoys watching the women suffer for crimes they had no control over and don't remember committing."

Vin shook his head. "That's…That's…. "

"I know," Sam said sympathetically. "It's hard to imagine there's evil like that in the world."

"We need to talk to Inez," Dean interrupted. They'd spent enough time pacifying the civilian and needed to get to work. "See if we can find out what happened and maybe even who our killer is."

"Vin, why don't you go rescue Ezra from Cecily," Josiah said. "We've got work to do."

Vin nodded and tipped his hat in farewell.

Josiah chuckled as he watched Vin walk away. "Helluva story there, Sam."

Sam shrugged. "Think he bought it?"

"Yeah, and soon everyone will. I think you may have found a way to save Inez from prison and maybe even Cecily's wrath."


JD spun around when they entered the jail. "Am I glad to see you, Josiah. I think something's wrong with Inez."

"We know, JD." He looked past the kid to see Inez sitting on the cot, head bowed.

Josiah quickly introduced Sam and Dean to the young lawman and then repeated the tall tale that Sam had spun for Vin.

"JD, it's best you take off. We need to talk with Inez."

"I got afternoon patrol anyway and I'll keep an eye out for any strangers. Nice meetin' ya," JD chirped as he exited the jail.

Once JD was gone, Dean wandered over to stand in front of the cell. "Hey, bitch, you wanna tell us who you really are?"

Sam rolled his eyes as he came to stand by his brother. "Subtle, Dean."

Inez looked up at them, tears streaming down her face, a terrified look in her eyes. "I don't understand. Who are you?" She looked past the brothers to lock eyes with Josiah. "Por favor, padre. What is this cruel joke?"

Josiah exchanged a concerned glance with Sam and Dean. "She tried to fool me before, but somehow this feels different."

Inez slowly approached the bars. "Por favor," she begged again. "JD said I attacked Senor Standish; stabbed him. Why would he say I did this terrible thing?"

"You don't remember?" Sam asked.

The barmaid shook her head, long back tresses falling over her face. "I was talking with Senor Standish as we closed the bar and now I am here," she swiped at her eyes as she snuffled back tears. "I do not remember how I got here."

Sam took a tentative step forward.

"Careful, Sam," Dean warned.

"It's ok, Inez." He reached out to touch the hand that was clasped around the iron bar. "My name is Sam Winchester and I'm here to find out what happened."

Josiah and Dean went on alert, waiting for Inez to act out. Instead she leaned her head dejectedly against the bars. "Gracias, Senor. You must believe me. I did not hurt Senor Ezra."

Dean looked at Josiah. "I gather she wasn't like this before?"

The preacher shook his head. "You couldn't get close without her attacking. Whatever was controlling her - I think it may be gone now."

Inez's head shot up. "Controlling me? Madre Dios. Was I possesed?"

Sam nodded. "Something like that." He suspected that the senorita was a Catholic and therefore open to the possibility of possession. If it got them some answers, he was willing to fan that belief until they found the real culprit.

Shocked, Inez backed toward the cot and sat down hard. "Madre Dios," she repeated and crossed herself.

"Inez, do you feel its presence?" Josiah asked.

She shook her head, but the tears were flowing freely again. "What did it make me do?" She jumped back up looked at Josiah. "Ezra! He will be well? He won't - " she left the thought hanging.

"Ezra's fine. A few days bed rest and he'll be back playing poker and taking folks money."

Inez breathed a sigh of relief before a new fear arose. "Am I safe from this evil? Will it come back?"

"We don't know," Sam replied.

Dean pulled Josiah and Sam away from the cell. "You really believe she's herself again?" he whispered.

Josiah nodded. "The hard look is gone from her eyes."

"And her demeanor is exactly like Maggie Courtland, the woman I interviewed in Eagle Bend," Sam confirmed. "Whatever was controlling her is definitely gone."

"Then where'd it go?" Dean growled. "What happened between the attack on that girl - " He gestured to Josiah for a name.

"Cecily," Josiah supplied.

"And now? What made this thing decide it was time to move on?"

Sam stared at him and Dean could almost see the wheels turning in his little brother's brain. Sam walked back to the cell. "Inez, what's the first thing you remember from when you came back to yourself?"

The barmaid got a thoughtful look on her face. "Senor Tanner was yelling at me to leave the senorita alone, but I don't remember touching her."

The three hunters exchanged concerned looks. "Sam you don't think - " Dean saw the same thought forming in the others' faces.

"Cecily!" Josiah barked. "It had to have jumped to her. We have to stop her before it takes hold and she hurts someone."

Josiah rushed to the door. "She's probably still visiting with Ezra. You boys stay here; watch Inez."

Dean was about to protest when Sam grabbed his arm cutting him off. "Go on, Josiah."

The older hunter tipped his hat and was out the door.

"Sam?" Dean was curious why they'd let Josiah go off to face the threat alone.

"He did it again."

Dean nodded as he realized what Sam meant. It was another attempt by Josiah to keep them away from Ezra.

Sam turned back to Inez. "We have to leave you locked up; just to be safe. Will you be alright alone?"

"Si! Si! Go find Senorita Cecily," she said, waving them away.

buck wilmington, inez rocios, vin tanner, mag7, dean winchester, supernatural, aces immortal, ezra standish, sam winchester, josiah sanchez, nathan jackson, highlander, my fic, jd dunne

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