The World As We Know It (1/7) - Immortal!Dean - SPN/FF/HL/SV

May 03, 2008 14:51

Here it is gang - The sequel to Since I found Serenity.
Title: The World As We Know It (1/7)
Author: strangevisitor7
Beta: Pen37
Rated: PG
Prompt: #73 Light for crossovers100 my table is here
Fandom: Firefly, Highlander, SPN & SV. The rest of the Immortal!Dean Universe can be found here.
Characters: From FF: Mal, Zoe, Wash, River, Jayne, Simon, Inara, Kaylee. From I!D 'Verse: Dean Winchester, Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Chloe Sullivan and Sam Winchester.

Disclaimer: The characters you know and love all belong to their respective creators.

Summary: The story begins at the moment that Since I found Serenity ends. Sam and Dean have been reunited. But is it truly Sam and if it is: how did he travel 500 years into the future?

Chapter List:
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5: Chapter 6; Chapter 7

Chapter 1

The brothers finally broke their embrace. Dean swiped at his eyes and manned up as if he hadn’t shed a tear. “Sammy, you bitch, where have you been for five hundred years?”

Sam laughed “That’s the question isn’t it? I don’t know.”

Dean nodded but couldn’t stop grinning at his younger brother. Sam! He’s really here. Dean had no doubts that this was his brother but as to how it was possible - well, truthfully he really didn’t care.

Around the cargo bay everyone held their collective breath waiting for the okay to interrupt the emotional reunion.

Sam looked past Dean to where Richie stood with two people who had to be Chloe Sullivan and Duncan MacLeod. It hadn’t surprised him that his brother had built himself a new support structure. The elder Winchester didn’t function well if he didn’t have someone to look after and someone to follow; Richie was obviously the little brother and Duncan filled the role of father-figure.

What he couldn’t figure out was when his brother actually decided that he needed a wife. Sam studied the petite blonde who had won his brother’s heart. Richie had indicated that they’d been a couple for years which was infinitely longer than Dean had ever been with anybody. His brother had finally matured when it came to women; it had only taken five hundred years but still, it made Sam smile.

“So, that's your family?” He asked inclining his head toward the three standing against the wall.

Dean turned to look at the trio. “Yeah. They’re your family too,” he said and indicated that they should join him.

The crew of Serenity exchanged silent signals to remain where they were; waiting to be invited into the circle. The heightened emotion of the brothers’ reunion still permeated the room and the crew respected the need for family first.

Chloe led the way to where the brothers stood. She hugged Sam “It’s good to see you again.”

The younger Winchester raised an eyebrow at the word ‘again’ as he released her. She moved to stand with Dean. She clearly didn’t have the Immortal Buzz, so how could she have ‘known’ him before? That was a question for later, for now he was enjoying watching his brother be in love. Dean wrapped an arm around Chloe and reached over to wipe away a wayward tear from her cheek.

The tall man with the Ponytail enveloped him in a gripping bear hug. “This is amazing.” Duncan said. “I have no words to express how great it is to see you again.”

Awkwardly Sam returned the embrace. Duncan stepped back and the four stood grinning at Sam like he was a present on Christmas morning.

Dean’s body language changed from joy to concern as he studied his little brother. “You do remember Chloe and Duncan?” he asked

Sam shook his head. “No, Dean I don’t. Didn’t Richie tell you?”

Dean’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Richie, suspicious at this gap in Sam’s memory. “Richie?” Dean growled.

Richie returned the glare and shrugged. “I still knew it was him even if he didn’t know it was me.”

Sam watched as the two men stood looking at each other. To his surprise, he recognized the way they interacted. Richie truly had learned to communicate with Dean in the way the brothers had for years.

Finally Dean nodded. “I guess there’s a story to tell.”

“Sam, I think everyone needs to hear this.” Duncan said indicating the crew of Serenity who still had not moved from their places around the cargo bay.

Sam nodded and waved his crew mates over.
Introductions had been made and small talk exchanged as the group headed to the comfort of the galley to continue the exploration of the mystery that was Sam and his connection to the Reavers.

“Wow this ship is an antique.” Dean observed as he walked arm and arm with Chloe toward the gathering space.

“Serenity’s a great ship,” Kaylee exclaimed as she whirled around to face Dean. “You got no cause to be runnin’ her down.”

Dean laughed as he faced his accuser. “Sweetheart, this collection of junk is held together by spit and duct tape. I bet you have hamsters in the engine room.”

“She’s never let us down,” the small, blonde engineer fumed.

“Dean, be nice.” Chloe admonished at the same time. “You wouldn't have liked it if someone talked about your ship that way, would you?”

When Richie and Sam had turned identical glares on Dean, he burst out laughing. The two “little brothers” exchanged confused glances.

“What’s so funny?” Sam asked.

Dean stepped between the two clasping each on a shoulder, smiling broadly. “I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have both of you look at me that way. I’ve missed it,” he admitted.

Turning back to Kaylee, he offered her an apologetic smile. “Sorry,” he said waving a hand at the ship around them.

Behind Dean, Sam leaned over to Richie. “Did he just apologize?”

Richie nodded. “Still amazes me every time.” He smirked.

For the second time that day, Mal found himself presiding over a gathering in his galley. Only this time Duncan stood with him as the leader of their guests. On the walk from the cargo bay, the eldest Immortal had made it clear that they were on a mission; one that required information from Mal and his crew, but first they had to at least try to determine how Sam had jumped 500 years into the future.

Truth was, Mal was still trying to wrap his head around everything that had happened, not only today but months ago on Miranda. And like Duncan, he suspected that Sam Winchester was the answer. But to what question?

“Not sure when to begin.” The captain admitted. “Seems like we’ve got a couple of mysteries to solve; chief among them being Sam here.”

“I agree.” Duncan said. “Let’s start with how you think you got here, Sam.”

“As I told Richie, the last thing I remember before waking up on Miranda was this ghost town in Cold Oak, South Dakota.” Sam explained. “Richie said that he has a theory but insisted that it was my brother’s story to tell.”

Dean sat up and stared at Sam incredulously. “You don’t remember Bobby and me finding you or what Jake did…” Dean trailed off not wanting to share one of the most horrible memories of his life.

“Wait.” Sam paused trying to capture the memory. “I do remember seeing you and Bobby and then it all went blank. What happened, Dean? Did I just disappear?”

Dean looked at his companions unwilling to relate what had happened. “Not exactly.” He finally admitted.

“I don’t understand Dean,” Sam pushed. “Either I did or I didn’t.”

Dean shrugged. He hesitated and couldn’t bring himself to relate what had happened to Sam on that awful day or what he’d done to fix it.

Sensing his friend’s reluctance, Richie took up the story. “Sam, what your brother is struggling to tell you is that you died that day.” He paused, waiting for confirmation from Dean that he could continue. “Jake stabbed you in the back and you died. So, you didn’t physically disappear but you were dead for two days.” Richie explained.

“But you said the Sam you knew wasn’t Immortal,” the younger Winchester protested. “How did he...I mean me. How did I come back to life?”

Richie took a deep breath ready to share the rest of the events that inextricably led to Dean’s Immortality but found himself unable to continue.

After Sam had died at the end of a long and wonderful life, Dean had gone on a decade long drunken pity party. Mac had tried to help but ultimately it had fallen on Richie to reach their friend.

He’d expended considerable effort trying to get Dean sober and to believe that life was worthwhile. Richie took in all the rage that his friend threw at him about every conceivable topic and never flinched. Then the elder Winchester had shared the whole story of that horrible day when his brother had died the first time and what he’d done to change their destinies.

Richie knew that sharing that story had been a turning point; the moment of catharsis that Dean needed to want to live again. It was as if he’d come to realize that he’d had decades more with his brother than he should have had. Dean was Dean again, for the most part, and they’d never spoken about Cold Oak after that.

Sharing even part of that ordeal with strangers seemed like a betrayal of the bond they’d built and while it needed to be done to understand Sam’s presence here today, Richie found he couldn’t tell the story. Looking at Dean, he silently insisted that the rest story had to come from a Winchester.

Dean sighed and straightened in his chair. “That’s because I brought you back.” He said quietly knowing that Sam was gonna get pissed all over again even though it had all worked out for the best. Over the years, Dean had figured out that if he hadn’t been a pre-immortal before Cold Oak, then something in the crossroads deal had triggered his Immortality gene. “I made a deal with a demon. Traded my life for yours. Two days later you were back good as new and I had a year to live.”

“What?” Sam's face twisted in a familiar mask of disapproval. “I don't believe you! Dean? How could you do that? Was sending me to the future part of that deal?” He asked angrily.

Dean shook his head and was about to respond as the room erupted in a flurry of overlapping questions.

“Then it’s not time travel?” Kaylee asked.

“Deals with demons!” Jane sounded smug. “See, I told you we couldn’t trust them.”

“But how is Dean alive and Immortal?” Wash wondered.

“You made a deal with a demon?” Simon was shocked.

“Gou huang tang,” Mal yelled above the cacophony. He shot a hard look at his Immortal guests. “Dean, is that deal what brought Sam here?” The captain demanded.

“No!” he insisted. “I made that deal so he wouldn’t die. I couldn’t let him die.” He added quietly. Dean looked at his brother who was seated next to him, pleading silently for him to understand.

Apologies about the whole crossroads deal had been made centuries before. Dean was in no mood to explain it to his brother again. Sam had forgiven him for the year of hell they’d had while waiting for Dean’s time to be up. When he’d woken up Immortal after the failure of the hellhounds to collect his soul, they both agreed it had all been worth it.

“I don’t see why we have to go into all this again,” Dean growled. “Sam came back just fine. Not Immortal and with no wild tales of meeting me in the future. So I’m not seeing how dragging all this out helps.”

Chloe rested a hand on Dean’s arm to calm him. “Because Sam hasn't had any closure,” she said. “You nailed the casket on all that hurt a long time ago, but for him it's all new. And if it's not time travel, then maybe there are two versions of Sam. Like when you make a backup copy of a data disk. Cold Oak is obviously the point where this version of Sam split from the Sam of 500 years ago.”

“Is it possible he’s a clone?” Mal offered. “Some kind of manufactured double.”

“He’s not a clone.” Dean insisted.

“Well,” Simon interjected. “I could run tests on the blood I already took to look for clone markers.” Simon locked eyes with Richie looking for his okay to take that step.

“It’s okay, Simon.” Richie assured him. “I think this kind of testing may be needed to answer everyone’s questions.” He was touched that Simon had shown such concern about his feelings. He was actually beginning to like the doctor. He was River’s brother, after all. Plus, with his family around him, Richie no longer felt the vulnerability that had caused him to lash out at Simon in the first place.

“Testing is unnecessary because Dean’s right,” Chloe said. “He can’t be a clone. He has all of Sam’s memories. I’m not aware of any cloning procedure that can capture that kind of brain activity. Plus human cloning has a history of being terminally unsuccessful.”

“You're right. I’d forgotten that.” Simon agreed. “All clones are clean slates and grown from infancy. Plus most are extremely limited in their brain function.”

“See,” Dean said triumphantly while clapping Sam on the shoulder. “You’re not a clone.”

“I feel so much better.” Sam said sarcastically. “I’m starting to think this is just a death dream; an illusion. Soon this will all disappear and I’ll be back in South Dakota waking up to fight ol’ Yellow Eyes.”

River had been perched quietly on a chair at the far end of the galley. At Sam’s defeatist declaration she slipped out of her seat and came to stand between him and Dean. She touched both their shoulders. “No dream, Sammy. You go where you’re needed. Always, it has been that way.” She smiled down at the brothers.

Sam grasped the hand that lay on his shoulder and nodded.

Dean snorted. “Who the hell is she; a friggin’female Yoda?”

The Immortals all started snickering. “That’s exactly who she is.” Richie answered Dean’s inquiry. “She’s amazing.”

Duncan noticed the look of adoration that Richie sent toward River and sighed. He caught Dean’s eye and inclined his head toward the love stuck Immortal.

Dean rolled his eyes. Not again. Richie and women was always a recipe for disaster. And this girl seemed a few fries short of a happy meal. He’d definitely have to keep an eye on the boy.

“I’m sorry,” Simon interrupted their mirth. “Who is Yoda?”

“A very appropriate reference to an old Earth character that always dispensed bits of wisdom that were very hard to understand.” Sam explained.

Simon grinned. “Sounds like River.”

“Mei-Mei,” Mal said. “You want to explain what you meant?”

River shook her head and silently returned to her seat next to Simon.

“Thought not,” Mal groaned. Taking command of the room again, the captain pointed to Richie. “You said you had a theory.”

Richie felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on him. “Don’t know for sure. I mean it’s based on the idea that Immortals are created as champions for good, you see.” He began. “The council has connected spikes in demonic activity with the appearance of Immortals. The fact that Sam is here along with Wash indicates something big is happening; something where both Winchesters would be needed.” He hesitated. This wasn’t coming out right.

Chloe laughed. “As much as Dean thinks he’s the center of the universe, I’m not seeing the connection.”

“Wait. I’m not?” Dean joked.

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Shocking, I know.”

“We know this part, kid.” Mal said waving a hand impatiently in Richie’s direction. “What’s the rest?”

Richie ran a hand over his face, trying to collect his thoughts. It had made a weird kind of sense to him earlier when he was talking to Sam but now it seemed he was unable to express it coherently. Chloe was still laughing at Dean when suddenly her eyes went wide and she looked over at Richie. He smiled and nodded at her. If anyone would be able to grasp the concept with him it would be her.

“I get it Rich.” She confirmed.

Duncan was always impressed with the quickness of Chloe’s mind. “Care to share with the rest of the class?” He prompted.

Richie raised a hand in Chloe’s direction, offering her the floor. She was much better at this exposition stuff than he was.

“When Sam was dead, where do you think he was for those two days?” Chloe asked looking at Dean.

He shrugged and shot a questioning look at Sam who shrugged right back. “As far as I know I’m there right now.”

“I’m guessing he went to wherever good souls go.” Chloe said.

“Thanks Chloe.” Sam interjected.

“It’s true.” She smiled and continued. “I think when Dean pulled you back something happened.”

“But I wasn’t Immortal when I came back.” He reminded her. Sam found it odd to speak of his future as a past he didn’t remember.

“You are now. So something happened during those two days.” Chloe sighed as she tried to share her theory. She was having sympathy for Richie now. It wasn’t easy to condense all the metaphysical into a realistic theory. She waved her hands around impatiently trying to force understanding on the assembled group.

“Okay, once I dated a guy who could split himself in two. When he did that, he was the same guy, only part of him was in one place, while part was in another. Azazel once taunted Dean with the idea that Sam may have come back different. Knowing that Demons lie, he never gave it much credence. But maybe it was true, just not how the demon was implying.

“I’m suggesting you got split into two. And a piece of you got left behind in that gap - that place between life and death. Eventually it wound up here where you were needed -- just like River said. Maybe the deal triggered some loophole that allowed you to come here to help.”

“That’s kind of what I was thinking, Clo.” Richie interrupted. “The Sam that we knew ultimately died of old age, but the fact that he had died once before, kicked in his Immortality in a weird way, so that he couldn’t really die. The part of him that didn't return to Cold Oak is Immortal - here and now - but reset to the age and memories from when he should have experienced his first death.”

“I’m guessing that all the deals with demons played havoc with both Winchester’s destinies and this is the result.” Chloe gestured wildly at Sam and Dean. “Remember your dad made a deal to save Dean's life first. I'm betting that everything started there.”

Sam was beginning to see the pattern. “Dean didn't remember it, but when he was under, he used a spirit board to talk to me. He said that there was a reaper after him. And what about the faith healer that we found when Dean had a heart attack? That guy didn't know it, but he used a Reaper to save Dean's life.” Sam exchanged a meaningful glance with his brother. They were both comforted by the idea that the younger Winchester’s memories from before Cold Oak appeared to be in tact.

“I’d forgotten about that one.” Chloe said. “Too many near death experiences interrupted by supernatural interference. Maybe that's what threw a monkey wrench in the drive system.”

“Even before you were Immortal, you guys were tough to kill.” Mal observed. He thought he’d seen some crazy things out on the rim but the Winchester’s were something completely beyond his experience.

“We definitely didn’t do things the normal way.” Sam admitted.

“Cheating death as a hobby. Seems a strange way to live.” Mal said shaking his head.

“You learn to expect the unexpected when you travel with the Winchesters.” Richie laughed. “Hell, their blood relationship revealed the real purpose behind our Immortality.”

“Another good point.” Chloe confirmed. “No other Immortal, before or after Dean, ever had a clear genetic tie to a living family member. They were all foundlings. Maybe neither Sam nor Dean were supposed to be Immortal.”

“No one ever confirmed a preemie buzz on Dean.” Richie said. “So we don’t know when his Immortality gene was switched on.”

“Sam came back from death thanks to the crossroads deal,” Chloe continued, “and a year later, Dean did the same. Something about that deal may have changed the rules; created some loop hole. The result: Immortality for both.”

“That makes as much sense as your old meteor rock theories,” Dean growled in frustration.

“Don't mock the rocks, loud-mouth,” she muttered to him.

“Then come up with a theory that makes sense.”

The rest of the room murmured their agreement with Dean.

“I don’t get how any of this matters.” Wash said over the rumblings of the crew. “Without Sam we wouldn’t have survived the Reaver assault, well technically I guess I didn’t,” Wash snickered. “But my point is we wouldn’t have known Reavers were demons or how to fight them. I wouldn’t have known what happened to me.” He trailed off as silence descended and every eye in the room focused on him. “I’m just saying that’s all.’

“You're right, baby” Zoe said. “I don’t see that it matters none where Sam came from long as we all agree he is who he says he is.” She looked to her Captain, “Right Mal?”

“I’m inclined to agree, Zoe.” Mal confirmed; a little surprised by the clarity of Wash’s argument. “Sam proved himself to me and that’s enough.”

“But don’t you see?” Chloe’s enthusiasm had driven her to her feet. “You’ve proved my point. Sam was needed on Miranda; his participation was invaluable. Because he drew the traps, the council was alerted to a possible surge in demonic activity. That led to us here. It all fits.”

Murmurs of agreement resonated around the room. It seemed everyone was finally able to grasp the connections that Chloe had presented. Triumphantly, she sat back down next to Dean.

“The way your mind works.” Dean shook his head and pulled her close.

“Some of us like using our brain power for good.”

Dean snorted. “That’s what you call your ‘wall of weird’ thinking?”

Chloe smiled, remembering the time before the supernatural had became an accepted part of her everyday life. “It was good prep for life with you, that’s for sure.” She quipped.

“Alright then.” Mal announced. “I think we’ve spent enough time on this. You agree, Mac?”

“Yes,” Duncan said and pointed to the younger Winchester. “I think we can all agree that he is Sam Winchester and he’s a good guy.” The group nodded their consent. “So, unless an agent for The Powers That Be comes down and explains it all, Mal’s right, it’s time we moved onto the other reason we’re all here.”

“Yes! Sam is Sam.” River called out. “The Powers brought him.”

It seemed that maybe the Powers had send their agent, after all. Duncan looked out at the sea of expectant faces. “Now about those Reavers.”

richie ryan, immortal!dean, dean winchester, duncan macleod, supernatural, sam winchester, crossovers100, highlander, my fic, chloe sullivan, firefly, smallville

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