Dude, this eppy is like the total epidemy of fanfic! I mean, the be-all, end-all, know-all of fanfic. Ultimate fanfic. Idea is all Tarantino's, I mean, they invited him in and then he pitched his ideas. Ultimate fanfic, baby! There is hope for the rest of us yet!
Well, as soon as we start making landmark films and the like...
This was my first concert with the girls. Yes, I went to a Hanson concert. And I liked it! It was fun! I enjoyed myself!! (This was almost five years ago, okay? I have so matured! LOL
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Okay, okay, okay. What happened to Mariska Hargitay? When did "Law & Order: SVU" become the Elliot Stabler Show? I mean, I love Chris Meloni and all, and he's a great actor, but come on! I miss Liv Benson! Bor-ring
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Huh. So, who likeys my new icon? Huh? Huh? I do, I do!! I loves it! Which is why I made it. Got the strawberry, got the stake in hand. You got strawberry slayer! Wahoo
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