today has got to be about the most fucked up day I can remember in recent memory. looks like my 4th year of university could quite possibly be the shittiest. come onnnnn miracle.
no sleep for the next 3 days. tomorrow night, playing at Peddler's Pub, thursday, mackeen room, friday the vil. fack that's a lot of shows... tomorrow i have to leave at 6:30, thursday setup at 8:30. friday, tear down from thursday at 9.
i wish you were awake. i shouldn't feel this way about you.. i just want to look out for each other. i need you right now. i'm in bad shape. i hope i wake up alive
i really hope there isn't a stomach bug going around... andrew has been throwing up all night and i hope it's just that his food didn't agree with him and then he'll be fine in the morning once it's out of his system.
we have 2 shows this week and i can't afford to get sick like that.