Apr 05, 2007 15:48
I am now a fully qualified Personal Trainer!
Now just a month of Sports Massage to do, before I start my new job in Northwich, Cheshire!
err, don't suppose anyones from Cheshire?!
Feb 25, 2007 13:49
Women are confusing, and give mixed signals.
Surely if you've lived with someone for over a year you can see that they like simple?
Feb 18, 2007 13:42
Course starts tomorrow! Time to get my shit sorted. Women and everything else can SOD OFF for a while.
Feb 08, 2007 01:34
Oooh, snow!
Best not mean my trains cancelled later.
Jan 22, 2007 08:45
weeelllll, long time no type, seeing as i've not really had the need! However! Having just broken up with and moved out of girlfriends house of over a year I am now wandering! I am moving to Notts to start a course in Feb so if anyone fancies getting in touch or meeting up I now have far too much free time on my hands!
May 18, 2006 17:37
wowza! 19 today, so im going to The Shins tomorrow night! Who else is going so I know who to drunkenly harrass due to not seeing anyone for AGES?!
Aug 18, 2005 12:16
Woo hoo! Driving test passed first time mo fo's!
Jul 09, 2005 01:23
Woo! racing today, straight final so we have a good chance of winning!
It's at 2 though, so I have no idea what time im going to get to the summer picnic! hopefully i'll make it intime to catch most of the evening :)
Jul 07, 2005 13:19
shitting hell...