so afi tickets are sold out the day before i get my paycheck. now i have to buy them off ebay for $20 more, but any amount is worth it. all I want to know is, who's coming with me?
It's my birthday. yay. It's no different than being 19. There should be some way to make my birthday one year older on my license. I better see warcov this weekend and we better party! please!!!!!!!<3
I love keg stands and boyfriends. I miss my friends like: alycia and chris and both jenn and kristen and courtney and lia and pete and fucking everyone i like to bond with. I love andrew. Hang out with me sometimes. fucking christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and molly and monica and michela and lauren and fucking alysha and kristina and
Hi, I'm not dead. Just to let everyone know. I'd call people, but I have a total of 12 people in my phonebook. So if you still have my number, call it. It would be nice to hear from some people that I haven't even seen since 2005. yeah that's about it. <3