001) Name: Des
002) Age: 21
003) Spoiler-free votes? NO. In fact, I want you to spoiler in EVERY VOTE if possible. Because that means you're thinking deeply about the characters in context, which makes for some damn good votin'. Plus, I've beaten the game.
004)Do you want to be voted as a boy, girl, does it not matter? I don't care!
You must provide three links to other applications you have already voted for.
vote 1 -
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005) Strengths- I radiate confidence! I'm told "You're awesome!" a lot, and well, I BELIEVE IT. I believe in myself. I like to keep my life as carefree, stress-free as possible, and with my friends, it seems like that part of me is contagious. I suck at deliberately cheering people up, but I guess I can do it just by being myself. Which is definitely good. I love a chosen few friends more than anything else, so to them I am loyal, generous and protective - not everyone gets to see my nice side, but it's me at my best. Despite caring a lot about my people, though, I'm very much an individual. I don't compromise my values to appease my friends and peers, and frankly I don't give a damn what strangers think of me - I do things my own weird way, however I want. I'm also very honest - people can count on me to tell them the truth.
006) Weakness- Ahhh, well, as nice as I just made myself sound, the spice in me heavily outweighs the sugar. I'm a rational and coldly blunt person, and I care about myself just as much if not more than my friends. In the case of people who I've never met before, they'd better make a good first impression, because if a newcomer is boring and mundane, it doesn't matter if they're "nice", I tend to blow them off with varying amounts of disdain. I'm not polite. I'm not good in social situations, really. I hate parties, they're so dull. Full of people I neither know nor care about, and even if my friends are there, I have to share them with the strangers. Lame! Hmm, what else... I'm scary sometimes. In the violent way, or in the creepy way, or in the antisocial unscrupulous way. There's something twisted in me that I can't really hide.
007) Likes- Pirates, Light Gizmos, Fireworks, Acting, anything animated, my DS (it gives me something to do on public transport ;;), Crack RPs, Lit RPs, talking about myself, being a shounen retard, big coats that fly in the wind, and days where I don't have to do anything.
008) Dislikes- Work of any kind, rain, unexpected phone calls and visitors (I screen.), insane pet lovers that make their pets wear sweaters and let them eat at the table and call them children and treat them more nicely than they ever would a person, most can openers that I've encountered, I'm kind of bad with machines too... um, and thinking about the future, and having to be an adult.
009) Hobbies- Drawing, roleplay, cosplay, making AMVs
010) Annoyance- People who anthropomorphize animals (whether it's the thing with the pet lovers, or the whole anthro/furry thing *shiver* I'm very NOT into the bestiality implications there.) People with phobias - it just bugs me when people act all weak and wussy over stupid things like seeing a spider when, hello, it's just minding its own business, or being up too high even though you're perfectly safe where you're at. I also get annoyed by people who have low self esteem and low confidence, then run you dry with trying to make them feel better and they never listen.
011) Favorite School Subject(s)- I currently like my entire class schedule... which is makeup class, costume history class, fencing class, costume sewing class.
012) Dream and goal- I want to be a voice actor, but it's not really because of the whole anime fan thing. In fact, I'd prefer not to do anime, although I would if that was the opportunity I got. Frankly, -I- wanna be the original voice actor. XDD Plus, I love American cartoons. ...Doing the voice for a video game might be fun though.
013) What's your favorite brand (game or real life)?
Real life, I don't pay attention to that stuff. Game? J of the M, baby! Although Pavo Real is starting to catch my attention, pinwise.
014) What is your typical style? Black or grey t-shirts that usually express some kind of fandom, soft black slacks, black tennis shoes, and then... accessories. I own three different pairs of goggles (five if you count safety goggles for using power tools), a few black hats, and usually I'll wear a necklace that has sentimental value to me because it's a friendship symbol. I have a few of those. One's a key, the other is the yang half of a yin-yang. I alternate between glasses and contacts - I love my glasses, but I learned to wear contacts for cosplay, and now I wear them with my goggles (cause well, goggles + glasses IS kind of silly.)
015) What outfit are you not brave enough to wear? Hm, bikinis and other stomach-revealing stuff, I guess. I won't deny that I'm kind of chubby - there's no reason I should wear something I can't rock. Oo There's plenty of outfits that aren't my style so I don't wear them, but I don't think it's a matter of bravery in that case. I wouldn't normally wear a frilly pink skirt, but if it was a costume, I could wear it in public with no problem.
016) Is there a certain piece of accessory that you constantly wear or carry?
No, normally I alternate my accessories, but I suppose my purse counts. It's black with a silver glitter tinkerbell on it. My aunt called me Tink when I was little cause I loved Peter Pan. '-'a The friendship necklaces are the most constant thing besides the purse, I feel connected when I wear em'..
017) Let's dress Neku up in a--!
... this is what he's wearing in my game, anyway. '-'a
018) How do you listen to your music?
When I'm out and about, it's inside my head. I have a really good memory for music and lyrics, so I can play it back perfectly in my mind. Or, it might be outside my head, because I might be singing it. If I get bored, I become very prone to singing out loud. When I'm at home, I listen to it on the computer.
019) What are you listening to at this moment?
Ahh, well, at the moment of reading the question, I'm not listening to anything, but
this is the song that is in my head.
Now that I am listening to things, I'm going back and adding them. I'm not pimping my music taste at all!
Greens Sunlight,
Hana and the Soul Eater OST.
020) If you had a background theme, what would it be?
There are several candidates. The first would be my favorite song,
Take On Me by A-Ha!
Then there's
Strawberry Sex by Hirai Ken, which is the song I strongly attach to good times with my friends - rocking out in the car singing along to it, karaoke times, what-have you. It's a wonderful world.
Thennnn.....this will seem lame to anyone else who loves Shaman King like I do, but "
Brave Heart" by Megumi Hayashibara will definitely be one of them. This song always makes me feel inspired and strong, and my friends have told me it always makes them think of me (though that may be due to all the times I would randomly yell "RUN WITH HEART! ♥" in chat... XD)
021) What kind of food would you constantly munch on?
Ice cream cones. I fucking love ice cream.
022) What is your favorite restaurant to eat at?
Depends on my mood, really. I like sourdough burgers a lot, I like restaurant ramen and unagi sushi. Don't hate on it because it's eel, it's DELICIOUS. You must eat it.
023) Any drink you prefer to go down with your meal?
My favorite soda was Josta, before it got cancelled here. ;-; But again, it depends on the food. I like a shake with my burger. When I'm eating the top ramen out of a bag, I want milk.
024) What does friendship mean to you?
My friends are the people who I've chosen to be with, which makes them better than strangers and even family (which I see as sort of like the training wheels for friendship. They are your default friends.) Because they are so awesome, they evoke these sort of exclusively unusual reactions:
-If I see something in a store that reminds me of them, I automatically want to buy it for them, and often do.
-If they're having problems with someone else, I get extremely protective and will mafia for them if asked/probably even if not asked/unless they ask me not to. I feel bad if they tell me about a problem that I can't solve for them.
-If I'm having problems, they disappear instantly the moment I can goof off with them.
-I will sometimes relent on criticism if I think it will hurt their feelings. I will not go out of my way to confront them about the things I find irritating in their personality, instead waiting until we are on the subject.
-If I don't see them for a long time, I miss them, and I probably worry.
-I would probably not step on them to further my own goals.
The list of "things that do not apply to people I don't care about" goes on, but I think this paints a good general picture....
025) In exchange for a chance at life, what would be your fee or most precious thing to give up? I'm not really sure if this is a possible entry fee, because we haven't seen any instances of it, but I really think my own personality is what I would most hate to lose. I just can't imagine living life as an unconfident, worrying person. Or even playing the game like that. I'd be pretty screwed...
But, because I'm really not sure they can actually take WHO YOU ARE as the fee, the second place might be my youth. The thought of being elderly scares the crap out of me. Just, having to keep living while your body and mind are wasting away... Ugh, terrible. I'd rather die young in a blaze of glory. ( with that in mind, I probably wouldn't even BE in the game, huh? Maybe I'd go Reaper so I could still be seen in the RG and visit my friends and stuff outside of the game. Nobody said that wasn't allowed, far as I know!)
026) If faced with the decision between harming your friends or letting harm come to yourself, what would you do?
Well, if this is just a case where one of us gets hurt or the other does, but neither of us are having to do unto each other, then I'd probably flip a coin, roll a die, or play paper rock scissors. Nobody should have to make that decision, so the only fair way to decide is to leave it to chance and best of luck to the loser.
But if this is a case where I personally have to hurt my friends or I'll get hurt, then I'll take my chances. I believe in my own capacity - I'd never go down without a fight! If it's me, there's always the possibility that I won't get hurt at all. And even if I do, at least nobody's pissed at me.
027) Someone has just forced a pact with you and they're your complete opposite!
My complete opposite wouldn't have the balls to force a pact. They'd be too afraid of the consequences, and they'd be too afraid of me.
However, if I accidentally ended up in a pact with someone who was my complete opposite, I'd ... try my best to trust and take care of them, since they'd have plenty of good things to offer like empathy with others and spot-on organizational skills, but I'd probably bitch and criticize a lot which would not help their abysmal self-esteem but hopefully they'd at least toughen up a bit. Well, we'd learn from each other, that's all I can say.
028) Get Ready! Time to fight! What's your style (full force, weapon, tactical...)?
I'd say it's 75% force, 25% tactical. Everything I do will hurt, but I'm also smart about it. I like to keep a few attacks with a side effect of negative status, and the rest things that do heavy damage. Immobility is a favorite, because then I can go all-out on the noise without taking any hits. I also like leading those jumping kangaroos onto pressure mines. That'll teach the bastards. ...No, wait. They'll never learn. |D
029) If there was a place you'd meet your friends, family, or associates where would you pick?
My house, of course! It's the most convenient.
030) Betrayal or Sacrifice? Ooh, probably betrayal, but hopefully I wouldn't realize that's what I was doing. '-' Can I pick neither?
031) Teach or Learn? Probably learn. I don't think I'm a good teacher, I'm impatient with people who are less capable than me.
032) Easy to Trust or Suspect? Trust, I guess. I'm not widely accepting of people, but I'm not suspicious or judgmental either - I think most people you meet are good at heart, and I believe in that goodness. Honestly, everyone's got their reasons, and if someone cheats me, that's my own fault, not theirs. I respect a person with a solid scam, those take intelligence and creativity. They're just playing a good game, that's all.
033) The world is polluted or worth living in? Both. It's okay that the world is polluted. A perfect world would be very bland, and a perfect person very annoying.
034) Is graffiti art? Sure it is. Plenty of graffiti makes me smile.
035) What design is on your favorite Badge/Pin? As far as designs.... I like the player pin. 8DDD **shot** And Pavo's pins look pretty awesome, I guess.
As far as what my favorite pins are... I like Kanesada, Lolita Bat, Sweet Talk Tether, Lightning Pawn, and Pressure Mine. I also like using Twister, Straitjacket and Lazy Bomb together. Long immobilizations of all my foes, so that the time bombs always hit. :Db I also like any Street Jam pins, because yelling at the mic is great fun. "OBJECTION! OVERSOUL! ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWERRR!"
036) Would you play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition? Hell yeah I'd play in a Tin Pin Slammer competition. It's like, better Pogs. D:
037) Which character would you love to hang out with? Kariya and Uzuki seem like a good time.
...Ken Doi appears in my dreams. D:
038) Which character would you hate to be in a pact with?
Uehhh... based on who grated on my nerves in-game, my initial thought was Joshua, but if I really think deeply about it, we'd probably get along wonderfully as long as I wasn't in Neku's shoes. >.>a I don't like being controlled, not one bit, but our methods are rather similar.
So who, then, would it be?
.... You know, I love the guy, he's great fun to roleplay, but probably Beat. I couldn't keep up with him physically (running everywhere? NO THANKS.) and he couldn't keep up with me mentally. We'd probably end up screaming at each other a LOT because I'm lazy and he's an idiot.
039) Is it really a Wonderful World or does it End With You? The world, she ends with me.