Title: Touch
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: PG-13
Content Notes: None
Disclaimer: I have no rights to or claims on the Naruto franchise, trademark, copyright, or characters. This is for fun, not profit.
Summary: In the future what's left of humanity sends the Rokudaime Hokage back in time to make some changes. Sadly, they can't send all of her. When a seven-
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Comments 18
The chapters with this younger Sakura are my favorites. You have no idea how much I enjoy them!! It was really cute seeing her reaction to Tenzo, and how he was excited to be liked by her as well. Making his voice break was a nice touch. =) It helped remind me to adjust his age.
The way you're transitioning from Kakashi avoiding Sakura to him finally kinda-sorta acknowledging he likes her is excellent. You executed that very nicely :) I'm interested in seeing how Kakashi's invisible friends will end up going away. I think it will be bittersweet. I like them, even if they're presence isn't necessarily a good thing.
Thank you for the update!! I'll be looking forward to the next!
If I visit Obito and Minato-sensei there, they won’t follow me home. And they won’t let anyone else follow me home either. And I’m sort of hungry.
Funny line :D I guess they'll still be around, then! Though he'll still need to make the effort to limit his interaction, like you said. It seems he might already be on his way there, since Minato and Obito frowned at Kakashi thinking he was never lonely because he always had their company. Maybe they will be the ones to suggest he move on with his life? Or maybe it will have something to do with Sakura...
I love his weird relationship with them, too! I also think Kakashi knows he's got a loose wire. He sort of acknowledges it through Obito:
“Except for this,” Obito put in suddenly, his brows furrowed as he waved between himself and Minato-sensei. “This is a bit insane.”
That line cracks me up xD
...And that's all I can say about that. ^_^
The story is shaping up to be quite long so I can guarantee that it won't end for ages and ages.
I'm glad the Sakura/Tenzo dynamic maps onto itself nicely. It's fun to write - especially since Kakashi can't (yet) decide if he's amused by it or bitterly jealous of it.
I love poking fun at Kakashi - and thus most of the characters I write do it.
The icon came from Google pics. I have no idea where it came from or who made it but I now have them for Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. Sadly, Google pics didn't pull one for little Kakashi or Tenzo. WOE!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
1. Kakashi was 100% correct in being grossed out by Sakura's bodily fluids.
2. I like crazy Kakashi. He has this odd charm to him.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
is this really colored out? it should be!
End test.
Hm, what else, what else.... Funny-odd that Kakashi comments that Tenzo clearly needs a dog, but we haven't seem him summon his. (Man can't take his own unspoken advice. Sigh.) And Rokudaime has dropped remarks about being a summoning expert. So am looking forward to that, and seeing if she has more than one, as I'm suspecting she does.
Ah yes, while there has been very much laughing out (very) loud from me at different points, I enjoyed
You... aren’t very good at just enjoying stuff, are you?for not only its comedic value, but also underlining the difference between Sakura and Rokudaime ( ... )
I'm glad that you liked that line!
I'd comment on Kakashi's ghosts (and the thoughts/wishes/emotions attached to them) but your theories are fun. Also I have no idea how I'd comment without blabbing so I'll just say that they're very interesting. Veeerrryy in-ter-est-ing!
Thanks so much for the lovely review! It was a delight to read!
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