Thanks so much for all of the well wishes and such. I still feel horrible but the pain killers will keep me sane enough. The nurse on my friend's list suggests I drink lots of vodka with the pain meds and if I hadn't taken a drinking hiatus..I just might have done it. If the vomiting doesn't stop by tomorrow I may or may not go back..I don't know
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Comments 97
where the river runs black (amazing cinematography)
once were warriors
Camille Claudel (because I think Isabelle Adanji has to be one of the hottest women on the planet plus it's a good movie
how to get ahead in advertising
haunted summer
or how about having an 80's night and renting
better off dead
some kind of wonderful
red dawn
st elmos fire
christiane f
And for the meme
yes please I'd liek you to do one for me.
love at you cookie.
p.s how are your feet doing? Did that cream help at all?
I like everything about you but I especially like the way you are so comfortable in your own skin.
song- beautiful child by fleetwood mac
You are 6am..or whenever the sun rises.
One word- enchanting
All of the moments I read your posts or look at your art are memorable to me.
I've always wondered what makes you so serene and inspired.
You remind me of the color gold.
song- landslide by stevie nicks
you are 11pm.
one word-loving
Most memorable moment would be when Morgan was still alive and we spent time thinking of names and ideas for digital remix.
You remind me of the color baby blue.
song- that would be that milkshake song that got played to death.
You are silly o clock
One word- Pretty
We don't interact that much except through LJ comments..but I'll always remember your boy problems and the advice I give you whether you want it or not. lol
You remind me of bright, sunny yellow.
I've always wondered how you get along with your mom.
-ally er allyson er shithead your pick!
song- sweet child of mine by GnR
You are 1am
One word- caring
Most memorable moment would be talking mad shit about nasty chele.
you remind me of the color coral.
I've always wondered where you found the strength to get up on the morning and do what needed to be done for the children after that pos you were married to ruined your world and walked away from those beautiful babies.
Side note? =p PERFECT ALLY SONG!!!! I woulda so done Axl then, though I was partial to Duff, that whole tall, skinny, heroin addict, androgynous look.
song- helter skelter by motley crue
You are 10 o clock in the morning.
one word- vivacious
We're just getting to know one another but I have a feeling you will leave a lasting impression on me.
you remind me of the color chartruese
I've always wondered what kind of house you live in and who you live with.
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