So many people are lovely on the internet, you know what I mean? I
ask for Captain America recs, and I get recs.
I'm going to old school it (the lack of Delicious makes me sad!face) and just keep my recs here on lj.
Ready, Aim, Fire by
The be-all-and-the-end-all of fics as far as I can tell. The summary is that it is everything. If this fic was a foodstuff, it would be Nutella. Yeah, that's right. I'm talking about the food most of us have to hide on the top shelf to stop ourselves from eating out of the tub with a spoon.
it should follow, you know, like this (like the panels of a comic strip) by
This kind of fic is why I can never stay away long. It's a delicious revolution around a simple topic that somehow outweighs its short length.
Captain America, Meet the iMac by
This fic fleshes out the cast of characters nicely. Morning coffee with Pepper makes me almost wish I was a morning person. I also love the idea that Steve's fractured relationship with technology, having just been at the forefront and then waking up to finding himself antiquated, gets tied up in his relationship with Tony.
Momentary Paws (or, DO NOT WANT) by
Tony gets turned into a kitten inexplicably. I just--I can't sentient--not with--cannot cogitate with kittens. (PS: the summary from the author was, "WTF KITTEN")
Variable Skill Sets by
One of the things I am most interested in in this fandom is the fact that Steve's experience of Howard Stark is so different from Tony's. I am so excited to see how canon handles it but
gyzym handles it brilliantly here. Steve, meanwhile, gets taken in by a kid who seems more like baby!Tony than anything else.
Degrees of Seperation by
On the surface, not a romantic story at all. Mostly, it's Tony and his machines. But that's the whole point, isn't it? Tony and his machines is sort of the core.