now running decks with banned rules. no more banned cards allowed in decks! you know im talking bout you...hehehe. replace em and practice without em...
fastest myogi counter-clockwise on U.S. west 2nd fastest usui on U.S. west fastest happo inbound wet in U.S. west
Soon to be banned Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards: Cyber Jar Fiber Jar Injection Fairy Lily Yata-Garasu Change of Heart Painful Choice Delinquent Raigeki Harpies Feather Duster Imperial Order
MMeekAAstonishingRRevolutionaryCCreepyUUsefulSSilent AAmbitiousNNuttyTToughHHauntingOOverwhelmingNNormalYYoung RRelaxingUUnforgettableLLittleLLuxuriousOOverwhelmingDDangerousAAccurate Name Acronym Generator From