Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (9/?)
Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters)
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Warnings: Sequel to
BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Comments 24
I adore this series. I loved Beyond The Sea, and have re-read it too many times to count. And this is a wonderful sequal. I've actually taken to checking this livejournal every day to see if a new part has been posted. *blushes*
You're charachterizations of Billy and Dom are so dead-on, that I actually believe that Billy could be a singer on a ship, and Dom could be a social worker. When I read this (and this is not true with all AU's), it's Billy's and Dom's voices I hear in my head.
So yes. I'll end rambling here. But this is lovely hon, keep writing. :D
For some reason, that just broke me into pieces. And it just astounds me how smooth you make the transition from seeing Billy as a hopeless romantic in Beyond the Sea to this version who struggles to show Dom the more complex parts of himself.
Right? At least I hope that's how it's coming across.
What occurred between Billy and Sean in the tack room is already written, as I couldn't finish this chapter without knowing that little bit of info. : ) I do intend to post it as a stand alone in the future.
Thanks for a great chapter.
Thank you!
Your so very welcome. :D
It's just all so....perfect.... *sighs happily&
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