Title: Choosing One's Battles Rating: R for violence Pairing: None. Billy stars, along with OMCs. Warnings: AU, violence, blood. This is a flashback within my BTS universe. Stands alone, if you like, but better as part of the whole
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wow. this was really a nice little treat. a look at the old billy that has been hinted at and talked about so much in the fic. it's nice to see where the character has come from first hand as it does help understanding where he is now.
Reads like a totally different fic altogether. Yep. This universe from Billy's perspective is much grittier. Dom's POV romanticises the fuck out of him because he really has no clue, no matter how much reality he deals with as a job, he's never really been there. These little vignettes from Billy's POV are always the bits Dom will never really see.
Billy, shaggy haired and eighteen years old, wet, shirtless, pumped and with one hell of a viscious streak? I have no idea what you mean. ;)
Eesh. I felt a bit like shielding my eyes as I read this, but as others have said, it was a great bit of backstory to remind us that Billy isn't just that Lounge Singer Romeo we all know and love.
YES! Awesome. Because that freaked-out uncomfortable feeling is exactly what I was going for here. It's not pretty at all. But you realize how much better he's gotten since.
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thank you!
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ps. Boxer!Billy in the rain? Nghh.
Billy, shaggy haired and eighteen years old, wet, shirtless, pumped and with one hell of a viscious streak? I have no idea what you mean. ;)
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