Title: Threadbare Gypsy Soul (17/?)
Rating: NC-17 over all (PG-13 most chapters)
Pairing: Dom/Billy
Warnings: Sequel to
BTS, AU, angst. In this universe, Dom is a NYC social worker. The nature of his work may be a touchy subject for some people
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Comments 23
Favourite line has to be - “You shouldn’t have to not ask,” Dom frowned, then shook his head at his own words. “That didn’t make sense. But you shouldn’t have to… I shouldn’t be… I can’t.” - and the way Billy just gets it.
And now this to keep all concerned - Billy stood frozen in the foyer by the open mailbox, staring down at an envelop in his hand.
As vandathiel said 'a great way to end the year' and may 2009 bring you Bright Blessings and a Willing Muse
After last years creative constipation, I really didn't want to leave this so long again, but my computer's monitor croaked and I've had no access to it for a month.
“I just… I need something to go right for a change.”
Oh man. This just made my heart break. I love your Dom.
And the whole bit with Billy making Dom close his eyes... so warm and sensual. Just what I needed. :)
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