Chapter Five
Kara left Laura’s office and looked up and down the rock passageway, trying to remember which way she had come from. She couldn’t, so in the end she shrugged and turned to the left, hoping to meet someone to point her in the right direction.
The passageway opened out into the largest cave Kara had seen so far. It seemed to be used as
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Comments 17
Once again, I love the premise of this story as well as the story itself. I am looking forward to chapter 6!!!
Plus you can't have a traumatic story without the obligatory nightmare scene :-)
Racetrack ended up being in this story quite a lot, so glad you liked her.
What happened to Lee *is* quite horrible - in fact I had a big stress about it last night. I was editing the chapter where we find out what happened and realised afresh that it really is quite grim. Well, I can't change it now so will have to be brave and post it and hope it doesn't put people off - I suppose if they don't like grim stories they will have stopped reading by now anyway :-) And like 'Lost and Found' this story isn't this depressing all the way through.
Thank you again for faithfully reviewing each chapter, you always have such interesting comments and I look forward to reading them.
And no posts for a week--what am I going to do??? Just know that I will miss the posts and will anxiously be awaiting your return!
I am really looking forward to reading what you have in store for us!!!
I'm afraid this story is rather grim - don't know what was going on in my head when I got the idea for it, must have been a bad day. In fact, I was having a big crisis of confidence last night that the story is too grim, and people won't stick with it until it lightens up - but then they did with 'Lost and Found'.
And somehow I'm assuming this will be a Lee/Kara story yet ... maybe I'm wrong, but if it is, then I'm assuming there's still something there between them as far as he's concerned.
Don't worry, Tracy, this is me - I'm not sure I'm capable of writing a non Lee/Kara story! Everything I write turns into one, even when one of them is dead before the story even begins ( ... )
I like that the story is dark and rather scary. Different than most of the others I'm keeping up with right now. Have you seen my note at LJ recommending people go to brokenmneumonic's LJ? I think you should give it a try if you get the chance. He's got a real handle on the inner Lee and has written a series of drabbles from Lee's POV and is still mid-Fractured, his long Lee introspective story. I think you'd really like all of them.
Where are you off to on holidays? I could use one of them myself. Preferably without anyone else. :)
I'm off to Portugal - just going to sit on the beach and relax after a very busy summer and not think about work at all!!
I've been to Portugal a couple of times before and always enjoyed it - it's very relaxed, and the people are very friendly - as long as you don't make the mistake of trying to speak Spanish!
Just read your rant about ffnet on my review page there. I haven't had problems as bad as yours, but one of my stories disappeared from my profile page for a month, even though my account said it was there, and then suddenly reappeared yesterday. That was partly why I decided to start this LJ, so I didn't have to rely on ffnet completely.
I was going to offer to log into the help section on ffnet for you and report your problems, but just discovered I can't - the help site won't recognise me either!!
Glad you're enjoying the story - I haven't gone on holiday yet, so going to post at least one more chapter before then.
Two words...The Cell. *shivers* Oh, so good.
*sprints to next chapter*
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