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Comments 7
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What are your preferred pairings? Any combination of the following people: Donna, Mike, Harvey, Jessica.
Which pairings do you not want to read? I can't see Louis with anyone, sorry.
What type of fics are you interested in betaing? I'm up with pretty much anything (with a few exceptions, see below) and I'm such a sucker for your classic fandom tropes, e.g. mpreg, fake!dating-leads-to-real!dating, hurt/sick/dying!character-leads-to-declaration-of-love, etc.
Are there any elements you are uncomfortable reading (kinks, triggers, etc.)? No high school AU, extreme fluff/schmoop, extreme BDSM (if someone's being tied into unnatural positions and made to stay there for hours, no thank you) and serious crack!fic. Example of crack!fic: Pearson Hardman as a dog kennel, with the attendant characters as specific breeds.
What are your beta strengths? My number 1 strength: I have a grammar hammer and I wield it hard, unless specifically asked not to. ( ... )
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