Title: Body Icing Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Kyumin Genre: Romance, smut, humour Summary: Kyuhyun has a treat for Sungmin. A/N: Suppose to be for my birthday, but I got “kidnapped”.
I always love the way you write Donghae and Yesung ;w; Why you so awesome >": Wow... There is such thing??? LEGIT!? D8 I would imagine having sex with Sungmin being heavenly :DDDD ♥ Ryeowook, YOU ARE THE KYUSITTER (:
Yes it's LEGIT! =D I found on the Victoria's Secret website! Ok I was just looking at beauty products, but then I saw their "seductive treats" line... I couldn't resist... As for Hae and Sunggie, idk I just love how Hae's such a child and Sunggie's just so...weird... But I still love em! Thanks for reading bb!
HOLY SNICKERCONDAS I LOVE THIS TOO MUCH~~~<3 Do they actually sell that stuff at Victoria's Secret? XD I kinda wanna try it now...not even on someone but just see what it tastes like lol but really you write amazing smut :D <3
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OK I was there shopping for beauty products, but then my mind "wandered" off...
Wow... There is such thing??? LEGIT!? D8
I would imagine having sex with Sungmin being heavenly :DDDD
I found on the Victoria's Secret website!
Ok I was just looking at beauty products, but then I saw their "seductive treats" line...
I couldn't resist...
As for Hae and Sunggie, idk I just love how Hae's such a child and Sunggie's just so...weird...
But I still love em!
Thanks for reading bb!
ANYWAYS! That is very inspiring for smut XD
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sex with min was never, is never and will never be boring xDDDDD!!!
wuahahah poor wookie XDD and yesung and his turtles again XDD aish~~ why so cute?
ROFL SUCH A KINKY EUNHAE!!!XDDDDD It was always hanchul but now eunhae being like this too <3<3<3 love it !<3
kyu always likes to shock ppl XDD~~
ow ow the smut was souw hot *-*
how about writing smut with food and cream next time 8DDD? this will get even much more hotter!!!!!*O*
oh poor hae will have a sore ass tmr~~!!! don´t really like the idea of topping hyuk XDDD prefer haehyuk LMAO!xD
dear thankyu for spending your time again to rewrite it :)!!am touched Q_Q!
did ya had fun on your mini b-day party :DD? sweet of your friends XDD
sleep well <3
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