How does this work, again? My fingers do the bangy thing on the keyboard and make words and then I hit "post" and suddenly it's thirteen years later and I'm gay and have a baby the magic happens?
Hallo everyone! I hope you are all very well, and happily romping through whatever fandom pastures you've scattered to now (perhaps a few of you are still
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Comments 40
you (both) have been missed.
do people still do that? i know that "grate" and "rite" are over, but i have no idea what emotificatory slang the kids are using nowadays.
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Congrats on the newbie!
Torchwood fanfic, but I did read one gen one where a miniscule town made Ianto their god or something. It was fun, but I've no idea where it lives now.
So. That was unhelpful. Sorry!
and Torchwood, WHEE. I just got out of a long love affair with that fandom (where, hyeah, this happened). All my faves (most Jack/Ianto) can be found on my delicious, and, for a bit of self-promotion, all of my Torchwood fics (also mostly Jack/Ianto) are here.
torchwood_house is also an excellent recs community.
1) You bring a bumpercrop of reliable recs;
2) You linked to your stuff on archiveofourown, which does beautifully convenient ebook downloads;
3) You linked to your stuff, which is always fabulous and frequently filthy;
4) Your pic tag: "Jack gasped at Ianto's administrations." HAHAHAHA. That boy knows how to pull a file, o yes he does.
if you are ever in 'merica again you should come and play with our awesome baybee. <3 <3
2) And ebooks, INORITE, yay! *iz typing this on iPad*
4) tis my LJ title, and a quote from an actual (glorious train wreck of a) fic, am yet to find anything better to replace it :D
I shall be in America again! Idk when yet, but it will happen. I hope to see you about on lj more again :)
let us know when you'll be in town! and by "town" i mean "continent".
Hiya - good to see you back! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the parenting experience (and agree that the actual birth is sucky).
Are you still in Baltimore? And congratulations to the new doctor in the house!
I'm aware of Torchwood but never got around to watching any of it.
We are indeed still in B'more; E is post-doc'ing at the same lab, we're in the same house, pretty much all how you left us. Except for the small child.
Are you pro-new-Doctor-Who? If so, Torchwood is definitely worth a watch. The plots (like Doctor Who's) are frequently hole-ful, but it's very watchable anyway, mainly because of the ensemble of appealing actors.
That's a cautious "yes". I watched the first three seasons, but not afterwards. I missed the start of season four, then never tried to catch up (I like seeing things in order). I thought both CE and DT were good, although very different. I also liked Captain Jack (who I know is the Torchwood lead). I've not seen the newest doctor though.
I thought season 4 was better than season 3, mainly because I wasn't a Martha fan but love Donna.
I haven't seen season 5 yet, because it's not on Netflix yet. I'm encouraged by the fact that Matt Smith is the favorite doctor of both spillingvelvet and dracunculus.
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