Table of Contents (SOTFW: SC summercircles) Table of Contents (Despina's IGJ summercircles) Table of Contents (travelsfar) Back Despina's Infamous Green Journal
No School Building
Dismayed, she gasped, "That's not a school! That’s a flattish piece of dirt covered with sage bush! No! It doesn’t even deserve to be called dirt; it’s just sand…bare sand…!"
Eyes twinkling, Cu responded in Náhuatl, with Bruno translating, "Yeah, well, we're running a bit behind schedule."
"That seems to be epidemic in this part of the country."
Bruno's impeccably clipped British English sounded strange in these surroundings. "Actually, celebrating nature, being out in the great out-of-doors, is very appropriate for Indian students. Keeping/getting in touch with their heritage, and all that sort of thing."
"That's fine for you to say! You're teaching biology inside a building!"
"¿Qué, qué? ¿Hay un problema?" asked Cu.
"No, no hay problema. Voy a enseñar sin libros, sin escuela, sin materiales, y sin sueldo. No, no hay ningún problema."
As quoted in Under Construction ∼ The Recurring Dream
Last updated 2/4/16 Added to Summercircles from Travelsfar; 11/25/15 standardized heading; 11/20/15 moved to new day in travelsfar so it filled an empty spot; 4/1/10 Chained into novel and added to TOC.
Word Count: 147