Guess the fic! A bit like the guess the song meme. Just a bunch of random recs, really, and if you guess them then you'll have read them already, which'll make them rubbish recs. Hmm, there might just be a wee flaw there. But still. If anyone has a go I'll put the answers up soonish.
ETA: mouseover/click for answers.
I'll name that tune in five )
Comments 7
Was hoping to set a trend with this post, but the minuscularity (what a big word for such a wee thing) of my flist makes that unlikely! I am geekily keen on games.
I've read 2, but can't remember the title or author. *feels appropriately guilty* 4 sounds a bit like shaggydogstail, though I wouldn't swear to it. I bloody well know 9, and am really annoyed I can't place it. I even read it quite recently.
So that's the rest of my input! :D Sorry to be so feeble.
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