1. Log out, so when you comment it'll be 'anonymous'. 2. Name three things you like about me. 3. Name three things you dislike about me. 4. Would you consider us 'friends', 'acquaintances', or 'enemies'? 5. Use one word to describe me. 6. I'll reply to your comment, and guess who posted this. 7. If I'm right, repost this.
It would have snowed if it was like 20 degrees colder, but whatever. It supposed to snow tomorrow... Hmm... I think I'm going to exchange my JBL On Stage for an iHome.
Post a comment about me. Am I snooby and self centered, or am I selfless and a vigilante? Please make it anoymonous, and of course IPs won't be logged. This could be intresting but I highly doubt anybody will comment.
Just a reminder that this is friends only. If you're nosy and need more than the occasional i'm-still-alive post, add me, and comments saying who you are and where you're from. Even if I don't know you, or even like you, I'll probaly add you. That is unless I know you in real life.