VF Drabble: A Moment in Time
Pairing: Asami x Akihito
Rating: R
Note: I'm trying to put the finishing touches on a Feilong and Mikhail story, but I was out driving this afternoon and the glittery ice covered trees and blue skies brought this scene to mind, so I came home and wrote it down. I'll probably share it with the comm's later.
A Moment in Time )
Comments 72
Very powerful line indeed. Much shorter than the usual but the feelings that come with it have not been diminished in any way. ^_^
"Akihito first. Always first."
*staring dreamy eyed at the monitor*
thanks for sharing <333!!
But thank you so much!
Asami has a great desire to control everyone and even their emotions. He thrives when he is affecting those around him, especially Akihito. You did really well at portraying that!!
Even though Asami and Akihito did not have "sex" per se, your story was very sexy and brought out wonderful emotions in me and especially great memories of being in the woods during winter time!! Thank you for sharing another wonderful story!!
But last weekend, all the trees on our street were coated with ice, and just glittered in the sun against a bright blue sky. It was like a fairy tale, so pretty.
Aki is like that, bright and pretty and pure. and Asami is the dog poop no, no XD, though I wonder if he ever feels that way. I think he does, and is aware of it, yet takes Aki anyway because there's nothing else like that in his life.
I'm very happy that you enjoyed this. Thank you!
I like the fact that you pictured them as a Couple..
And Asami being soo sweet
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