Title: Drabble: Intoxication
Pairing: Asami x Akihito
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yamane-sensei, and I thank her for letting me play with them.
Notes: This was brought on by those amazing Weiss Kreuz writers of old. They always stir up something inside me.
Intoxication )
Comments 66
Oh this is so BEAUTIFUL. it fits in so well with what we've seen of them in canon so far and I can imagine this scene happening right down to the 'love you' :D Absolutely made my day (well night).
And your Asami's thoughts are so spot on! We need more drunk Akihito, seriously.
*goes back to re-read*
At this point drunk Akihito is the closest chance we have of an honest conversation. We should keep him wasted for the next volume LOL.
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But, if you watch, make sure you watch the episodes with Schwarz, their enemy team, because those guys are fucked up and wonderful, and they're the heart of all my favorite ficcage in the fandom.
If you do read it, I just shared a zip with marybala that contains all my favorite fics from the fandom- basically many classics, some of which have since disappeared from the web. Let me know if you want to read them because they're really, really good.
You really should write more. Thanks a lot. Fic was brilliant as always.
We did see ur 3P fanfic come to life.. *Concentrates*
Like when Akihito clear shows his need of Asami... "Light me up." - Yammy part indeed!
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