this livejournal basically makes me want to throw up. all the old stuff ... yuck. everyone's getting new ones. I want to do like everyone else ... lol. and then i want to delete this one. i think.
for the greatness of Hanson's performance on Jay Leno. I was speachless. I thought I was over my teenie days, but Zac was AMAZING. He seemed really different in a way ... Can't put my finger on it though ... (Mom thinks Zac is handsome
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I couldn't keep my ass away from the internet long! lmao. The first thing I mentioned today, was "I need to find an internet café, pronto!". This is really baad. And the internet is really slow too
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I think I'm having an panic attack of some kind, I have this weird feeling above my chest, it's hard to breath and I'm worried. It's really uncomfortable. I have a lot of anxiety sort of often, but this is different
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I changed the layout of my livejournal, and yesterday of my site. :) Although, something's off in the livejournal...the place where my lj-pic is, is all wrong...>:(