Title: Works of Art
Series: Good Omens/X
Characters: Crowley, Seishirou
Word count: 596
Rating: G
Notes: Written for Jyuukoi for a meme on Insanejournal, and re-posted here.
Summary: Crowley meets a famous human; Seishirou wonders what on Earth is going on.
Works of Art )
Comments 9
I wonder if Subaru had has one in heaven? :p
The way they interact with each other is totally hilarious while very believable and I love how you imply that Seishiro has turn some of the most ancient demon of Hell into fangirl. *happy squeak*
I almost snore water on my keyboard at the looming part. >____<
Some more of this AU? Maybe with Subaru's side of the story? *puppy eyes*
A continuation? Hmmm. I'll think about that and see if I get any ideas.
Also, 'sleek, black, and obscenely expensive' may be one of the most accurate characterisations of Seishirou ever.
If you do make them spend more time together in ficcishness, you need to include something about Seishirou's distaste for Crowley's boots. Somehow I can't imagine Seishirou ever wishing to be in the same vicinity as a pair of snakeskin boots.
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