my heart was never your to break and yet it lies in pieces at my feet. the memory of you, a taste of old blood and clover honey stings these lips that praise once spilled from. you - an ache - a burning in the crowded hallways of my mind and i still cannot find the strength to spare myself.
I don't think I've seen a sadder movie than "Brokeback Mountain" in a long time. I bought it at Costco mostly because it was $8 and I have a serious thing for Jake Gyllenhaal, but I didn't expect to find it so profound.
I think it really speaks to anyone who's ever loved someone they can't have.
Please, please tell me you want me as much as I want you. Tell me this is the right thing for me to be feeling, just because it's the truth. It hurts and it's scary and worrisome, but it's honest and I don't know what else to do.
I was in the hospital again Friday for most of Friday evening, and I've been stuck at home on orders of bed rest at least until tomorrow morning, and possibly longer... (Not that I have any intention of missing work and letting my illness win again)...
Sarahphim.... when are you coming home to AZ? I just got a message from Linza that she'll be in town this weekend and she wants to do the lunch-and-shopping thing. Besides, I haven't seen you in forever and I want to!