There are so many people on my friends list now! I think it must have something to do with when Sir mentioned my journal. I checked his friends list, there are so many people on it. He must be loved universally! I am so honored, really. This might not be such a bad thing after all.
I think I might make it to the end of school. What a year. I wonder how many more years until I'm considered a "grownup" and don't have to care about what other people think any more. It's very tiring, really
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It's Saturday! School continues to sap my energy. Some days I think, "Why bother?" And then I know how upset Mom and Dad would be if they knew I was thinking that, so I have to go and do extra homework because I feel guilty
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There were these girls at school today who were laughing at Steve. She didn't care, but I did. I wanted to go up to them and ask them how they would feel if they were laughed at, but Steve thought this would be even worse. So I didn't.
I bet she did care, though. Even though she says she didn't.
Wow! First post! Steve told me about Livejournal and wanted me to get one. So here it is! She has a Deadjournal, but I said I didn't like the name "Dead", so she rolled her eyes and told me to come here. It's pretty cool, I guess
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