LJ Idol 11 Week 8

Dec 06, 2019 14:40

I'd like to apologize in advance for this.  This week's topic screamed trashy romance novel to me, which I admit is one of my guilty pleasures. :)


Magna knew it was foolish the minute she stormed out the door, fury her only guide. Now she was living the proof of her temporary insanity. She wasn’t ( Read more... )

fiction, ljidol, season 11, week 8

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Comments 25

karmasoup December 7 2019, 19:48:27 UTC
I've never been a sucker for trashy romance novels, myself, but this little bit is cute. ;-)


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 15:35:54 UTC
Thank you.


bleodswean December 10 2019, 14:34:23 UTC
OH! Oh! Oh!!!! YOU CAN WRITE BODICE RIPPERS!!! Why have you been keeping these mad skillz to yourself? You MUST commit to this and write write write. There's money in them thar pulsating throbbing hills! This is GOOD!


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 15:36:51 UTC
You made my week! Thank you for the compliment. I've started several times, then time, block, and the actual bodice ripping scenes get in my way. *sigh*


bleodswean December 12 2019, 16:25:30 UTC
After Idol, please join the small group of us who write together! We would love to have you - would love to see you take your gift to the next level. Really really! You can do it!


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 19:33:35 UTC
I'm honored and would love to! :)


rayaso December 10 2019, 17:36:01 UTC
What a great pun at the end! You did your romance novels proud.


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 15:37:24 UTC
Thank you. The minute I saw the topic I knew that was going to be a ridiculous hero name. :)


millysdaughter December 10 2019, 19:12:57 UTC
I can enjoy a good romance -- I'm a sucker for happily ever after!


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 15:37:53 UTC
I've grown up on them, and am also a sucker for a happy ending. :)


beeker121 December 11 2019, 02:56:33 UTC
This is fun and has exactly that right romance tone. Well played.


sunouttomorrow December 12 2019, 15:38:13 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad it worked. :)


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